Jabbering Joshua
Joshua   Ohio, United States
Everyone must choose one of two pains: the pain of discipline, or the pain of regret." -Jim Rohn

Twitch [twitch.tv]
Currently In-Game
Drug Dealer Simulator 2
Twitch Recommendations
Hello there! Looking for some epic gaming content to watch, but your favorite streamers are offline? Then you’ve come to the right spot!

The creators you find below are personally endorsed by myself, and I have a very specific set of standards and quality assurance requirements before I publicly endorse anyone. If you choose to visit any of the creators listed hereafter, you can expect the following:

Good vibes, great personalities, and communities that reflect the same values
A loving/welcoming environment where you’re safe from being targeted/harassed or treated poorly (let me know if anyone ever does this and they will be removed and investigated.)
18+ Streams, but adult content and mature themes aren’t the main focus of the content (nor do the creators intentionally center their jokes and/or topics of discussion around this type of content.)

If all of that sounds great, then without further ado, I present to you some of the most amazing creators I personally enjoy and would entrust my community to!

J_SKiTTLEZx3 [twitch.tv]
itsjorja [twitch.tv]
bugcatcherjess [twitch.tv]
ellenplux [twitch.tv]
zeegers [twitch.tv]
- Zeegers is more mature content, but he has an absolutely amazing community and is a great content creator!

It’s hard enough being a content creator today amongst all of the great personalities readily available at your fingertips, but it’s even harder getting started (or restarting) this journey. My purpose has always been to build the best community available (as I’m sure is most other creators’ goals too,) and that requires supporting each other in this endeavor we call streaming and content creating.

The creators you find below are new(er) content creators that I personally believe in and support the vision they are trying to bring to life, and I have even worked with them personally in some aspects (whether being actively engaged in their communities, streaming together, or being involved in/on their streams). I trust the brands they are building and ask you to join me in help them continue rising to stardom!

As a friend of mine told me: We may not be everyone's particular cup/flavor of tea, but we all drink tea!

kitten_kingdom [www.twitch.tv]
KrispyKremeBR [www.twitch.tv]
IronManDuck [www.twitch.tv]
TheMaldMallard [www.twitch.tv]

Thank you for taking the time to support these amazing people chase after their dreams!
Favorite Game
Hours played
Favorite Game
Hours played
Recent Activity
43 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
2.2 hrs on record
last played on 24 Jun
1,364 hrs on record
last played on 24 Jun
Tsuzu 20 Nov, 2023 @ 7:18pm 
That would be super nice!! Just lemme know buddy, I'm usually spending time with my hun or my friendos, so just poke at me whenever!
Tsuzu 10 Apr, 2023 @ 3:08pm 
I miss you too! I've been having plenty of water thank goodness :pawscub2: But I ♥ you too and hope you've been doing great. :3
Tsuzu 13 Sep, 2022 @ 9:15pm 
Ahhh you're super sweet! It's nice to hear from you ; w ; I hope you've been doing good as well!! ♥ you too buddy!! :D :zaggrin:
Brny 22 May, 2022 @ 12:25pm 
Thank you for changing your profile pic :)
Tsuzu 19 Sep, 2021 @ 10:55am 
Don't you worry about it! :heart: But that's absolutely fantastic to hear! :3 I hope they keep going great for you as well!!! Feel free to anytime you'd like *V * Or message me, messaging works too aha! Just keep on trucking and surviving, you got this! And I'm doing what I can! Finally did a huge friendslist clear out, so I was happy to finally get that out of the way :dappershark: I'm just surviving and doing what I can. C:
Tsuzu 13 Sep, 2021 @ 1:27pm 
Hope you're doinggggg good!