Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
Je moet zijn aangemeld om deze statistieken met die van jezelf te vergelijken
11 van de 11 (100%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

First 5 pointer

Score a 5 point goal in any arena match type.
Ontgrendeld op 23 jan 2023 om 11:25

Underdogs till the end

Score a goal in overtime that wins the match in any arena match type.
Ontgrendeld op 23 jan 2023 om 11:25


Hit the underside of the goal with an uppercut in any arena match type.
Ontgrendeld op 23 jan 2023 om 11:25

Just like bowling

Tackle 3 opponents at the same time, also known as a Strike, in any arena match type.
Ontgrendeld op 23 jan 2023 om 11:25


Win a match while wearing rare gear or above in all Character slots in any arena match type.
Ontgrendeld op 23 jan 2023 om 11:25

Not on my watch

Win a match in last chance by taking the ball from the losing team, in any arena match type.
Ontgrendeld op 23 jan 2023 om 11:25

Better than the trailer

Score by passing through the Goal with the ball, while air posing, in any arena match type.
Ontgrendeld op 23 jan 2023 om 11:25

But my calculations were correct

Reach a speed of 141.622 km/h or more in any arena match type.
Ontgrendeld op 23 jan 2023 om 11:25

Hitting cloud 9

Touch the ceiling of any arena match type.
Ontgrendeld op 23 jan 2023 om 11:25

Bigger than who?

Have more than 100,000 fans.
Ontgrendeld op 23 jan 2023 om 11:25

That's a lot

Win 200 matches in any arena match type.
Ontgrendeld op 23 jan 2023 om 11:25