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0.0 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 26.6 tuntia (25.5 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Julkaistu: 26.3.2023 klo 18.47

Combat wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but the bosses blocking forever was pretty annoying. It'd be one thing if you were suppose to dodge attacks to counter attack but theres no way with how little reaction time you have. Even if I managed to dodge in time, I'd still get hit by the move.

Unlike in Kiwami 1 and 2, there never came a point where I felt like I unlocked all the upgrades I wanted. Because I didn't really know what the upgrade tree looked like, it was kinda just hoping that the next upgrade was something I would really want. "Oh I don't like these but maybe after this one?" Throwing hard earned upgrade points into something that seems lackluster isn't fun at all. Even more so when you gotta sit through that animation that only goes to show how much time your throwing into an ability that "sucks".

Story was pretty good but it relied too much on random exposition sections where you take in a chapters worth of story in 5-10 minutes to figure out what's going on. The trade off is that I also got to do a lot more "non yakuza" stuff as Kiryu. Just would have been nice if all the morning glory missions were sub stories so that the yakuza stuff had a bit more room to breath and develop. Ah well. On to Yakuza 4!
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