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[5.2.5] SFO THE OLD WORLD MODPACK - by Tiranno Matto
Collection by Tiranno Matto
This "sub" collection will be more lighter than Uber one but at the same time more content-inclusive than the Basic one. Remember that TOW is still WIP and many mods that are working with it could not be perfect right now. For changelog and other mod lists
[5.2.5 UPDATE] SFO BASIC MODPACK - by Tiranno Matto
Collection by Tiranno Matto
This collection will aim to be a functional and all-comprehensive pack of mods that will boost graphics and mechanics alongside SFO - up to date and higly tested as usual. You could notice the absence of many "New race" or "More units" or even "More Charac
Collection by Tiranno Matto
This will be a less juicy modpack, due to issues related to MIXER. Sadly if you wanna enjoy some MP campaigns with friends, foes and loved ones, you cannot make use of more Starting Positions and more Legendary Lords. Multiplayer stability is the main goal
[5.2.5 UPDATE] SFO III UBER MODPACK - by Tiranno Matto
Collection by Tiranno Matto
SFO IS FINALLY HERE! Also, new thumbnail and NEW COLLECTIONS AHEAD! As time has passed, our beloved mod community did a great job; with the upcoming DLC and free 5.0 Update, CreativeAssembly is trying to redeem itself, forging content inspired by what WE a
[5.0.3 UPDATE] NOT-SFO MODPACK - by Tiranno Matto
Collection by Tiranno Matto
- 5.0 IMPORTANT NOTE - This collection is kinda worky, didnt expect modders to be that fast. I had to remove many tho, so just follow changes right on the list (probably occurring many times during May 2024) Hello community! I'm back again with my up-to-da
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