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Showing 1-4 of 4 entries
The Crew Of The Hermes
Collection by IslandPotato
Mod Collection for Crew of The Hermes Youtube Playthrough For Rimpy Load Order head to my Discord. But list is in the correct order already.
The Peddler (1.5 Pack)
Collection by IslandPotato
Hi, This is my attempt to make my 1.4 pack 'The Peddler' to 1.5 I have not tested updating the old pack to the new pack, lots of mods are added and removed, so its not recommended. Some mods have not been updated, some have changed considerably. However, i
The Peddler - Updated 02/04/24
Collection by IslandPotato
Prior Warning - There seems to be an issue generating Relic Sub Quests whilst Rimedieval is installed. There should be a few that generate with the mod, but not all of them. I would suggest using Maynard Medieval Storyteller instead when starting out to av
Nathan Morgan's Archaeological Adventure!
Collection by IslandPotato
List of Mods used in my first playthrough using Ideology and Royalty DLC
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