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Publicada: 17/dez./2020 às 8:34

It's an ocean of a game with the depth of a rainpuddle.
Missing a huge chunk of its promised and advertised for features.
Incredibly poorly optimized.
Lack luster world with ''rpg'' elements that don't mean anything.
Your background choices don't mean anything.
There are no branching storylines dependent on dialogue/action choices.
Everything up until the lazy 6 month time-skip montage is written rather well, everything after is garbage and feels like it's missing half of its story writing content.
No customizable *anything*. - clothing, guns, cars, apartments.
No NPC AI. Everything is on rails.
The ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ map UI on PC has a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ leftover symbol that makes me think this was made for consoles and later adapted for PC, since it shows a control stick to tell you to scroll through the map legend. This is without a controller being plugged in and just playing with mouse + keyboard.
For a setting and city that is so overtly sexualized in it's content, there's only 2 choices in joytoys for the entirety of the city. A non-sexualized game like The Witcher 3 had 50x the content.
The customizable genitals was a gimmick to sell the game since you never see any genitals outside of the character creation screen and your own inventory menu. Outside of it, you're forced into underwear.
Romances have no depth to them. Dragon Age Inquisition and even ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Mass Effect had better romances and depth to their characters.
Hacking is a joke. The same 2 quickhacks for the same 2 machines.
Driving is a joke. Cars don't function and the NPCs are, again, on rails. No actual AI.

The only solid part of the game is the gunplay. Treat this game like you would the game Rage and you won't be disappointed. Treat this like anything even close to what was promised throughout the years and you'll wonder what happened to make a studio ♥♥♥♥ up as much as they did.
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