Read the description, please   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Welcome to my profile. It'd be appreciated if you read the description. Aside from that, make yourself comfortable.

Adding me.

*If your profile is private, chances are I won't add you.
*Don't be one of those people who are just plain rude.
*Level doesn't matter. Level 0 though, is a no-go because that'll be violating the first rule of No private profiles
*Comment a reason before you add me.
*I'd appreciate a calm conversation if we are to talk. I do Roleplay too, If you have something against that then that's fine. Just don't be rude about it.
*Don't just add me and then don't say anything at all. Because then I know you added me for no reason and just wanna get extra people on your friends list.
*Have some friends in common
*At least know how to speak properly. If your first language isn't English then I'll let you off with it. But if it is. At least TRY to use proper speech in messages/comments.

Some things to know incase you're interested

I'm male
I don't sound like a person of my age
I stay up till around 1AM in my time on a weekend or friday
I try to respond to most messages when I can, but if there's something I don't know how to respond to then I'm not likely to respond
I enjoy jokes, joking around, puns and other things related to that

Personal info off limits dont even bother

Well looks like you've made it down here.
If you add me put this 🐙 octopus in your message stating why you added me. That way I know you've read the description. If you didn't, I'd probably advise you to read the description. That's all I can say for now. Cya around

Best Freinds (No order) :

Vandeman306: I dont talk to him much because he's rarely online, but still, I care about him a lot and wouldnt like him to be upset, he deserves to be on the list

Bluey the cyborg: Someone who is completely random and has a unique sonic OC,

Yakuza merkitzi: A good person who I like talking to, he also has an amazing screenshot gallery, And that scrubchinda is dumb.

Silver/Bonnie/Bill Cipher: What do i say about this guy? He's a great freind
Who i love talking to

Flame The Demonicon: He's a good freind of mine and has some great images, keep staying awesome :3

Jaalco: Someone I know Irl, And a good, fun person, memes


(RBSMO) Jack: Nice guy to RP with. Fun friend and he's got some neat pictures there too. Again, A nice guy

Trueblue: A nice friend i've known for a while. He's also like a brother to me. Nice guy to talk and RP with. Don't wanna lose him!

Asriel: A nice guy to play and talk with. Funny and smart, He's overall a nice person

fuNNky: Nice funny guy to talk to. Great pictures and some funny ones too.

Toby: A nice friend to RP with and Talk to.

Safetyperi: SmOhk S0S. Gud friend to talk to and a funny guy. Nice Meme.

Lily McFluffy Butt: Skilled map maker and a fun friend to talk to. Nice person to have around.

Walla: This person is a true memelord. Nice friend to talk to and have fun with.

Peacock: Funny person who I like to chat and mess around with. She's a nice gal.

Def: This person is a real nice guy. Though he keeps appearing in my soup (insidejoke.jpg).

That's about it really. I'll probably add more people to my best friends list soon, who knows, maybe you'll end up there someday ;)

Quotes from friends

Ohk - Safetyperi
-thing- is die/die is -thing- -Safetyperi
ok -Weeg
y e s -Peacock
tomatoes are gay and brb - Walla
a -Esper
geng -Blue

More coming soon!
Currently Offline
SAGe ViCiOUS? 23 Oct, 2023 @ 3:33pm 
chara is that yuo
Teedles 23 Oct, 2023 @ 3:24pm 
No way you're alive I thought you got sent to North Korea
(AHTL) Jack 8 Feb, 2023 @ 10:46am 
Is that really you, Shiny?
Dawn's Doodles 8 Feb, 2023 @ 9:33am 
hey so uh
new account
(AHTL) Jack 17 Jan, 2023 @ 6:29am 
yeah i miss him
Clover Incorporated 16 Jan, 2023 @ 6:15pm 
OH UH TD still exists yknow they just dont use THIS account anymore.