GooGoo Gerber-Baby Garbly
GooGoo Gerber-Baby Garbly

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I was extremely distraught upon my return from my four-year missionary trip protesting apostate churches in the dark continent to find that my so-called son has not only taken up being a disgusting quaker (which is only a hop, skip, and hellbound jump from overtly promoting terrorism), but he has taken up this game and a newer game he calls "Overwatch." Let me tell you, I just about had a heart attack all over again when I saw it. Those of you with small children may wish to give them chores to do, that they might not be exposed to the wickedness I share with you for educational purposes only.

Just a handful of the sin I saw in Overwatch, put out by a company called "Blizzard," behind the infamous "Worlds of War-Craft" game:
Women do battle with men almost as their equals, in blatant violation of their station as homemakers who submit properly to their husbands the way GOD intended. Revelation 17:6 is very clear that this is a sign of the end of days: "And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of JESUS: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration."
In the game, some robots are considered the equals of mankind even after they have nearly wiped man from the Earth. I would not believe that it needed saying that GOD alone set men and men only apart from the animals, not robots. If GOD intended for robots to be treated as mankind's equals, HE would have done so from the beginning or would have at least mentioned them.
One of the so-called "heroes" is so far as I can tell some sort of (GOD forgive me for saying this) Buddhist and promotes not only meditation but blatant pansexuality, throwing his balls in the faces of every other character. I asked my son what in the world that wicked sinner was doing and he told me that this flagrant promotion of sodomy was his main "attack!" Now that, I believe, because it was indeed an attack on not only my sensibilities but also my son's soul! I later learned that this hero, "Zenyatta," (which is probably a nonsense word that is the start of a spell; I suspect saying it out loud is almost certainly sinful, and better safe than sorry) taught another character, Genji, a young oriental, about his wicked ways. If this is not proof that the homosexual agenda will not stop at the boundaries of the real world and are hell-bent (and hell-bound) on forcing even real characters into sin, I don't know what is.
A talking gorilla named Winston (an obvious anagram of "sin town") is not only one of the heroes but a scientist who 'reformed' this group of anti-JESUS crusaders called 'Overwatch' after I can only assume GOD-fearing Christians in the game's "lore" put a stop to them. This is about as blatant an advertisement for bestiality and evolution all in one as I have seen, at least since I returned to the Western world where GOD pays attention, and let me tell you, HE is listening, attentive, and steaming mad! Decades of creation science proving evolution dead wrong and here Blizzard is promoting the ludicrous and blasphemous notion that we ought to start letting apes talk as if they have souls. Abominable.
The game's heroes mock CHRIST and HIS angels by portraying "Mercy," a so-called 'healer' in the game, as being angelic, even capable of resurrecting the dead, which is capable through CHRIST alone! Worse, this medic is a female doctor in what I believe to be her mid-30s or perhaps even mid-40s, and she is not even married! To no surprise but great disappointment, my son told me about a pairing called 'PharMercy' where she is 'shipped' with another female character, which means that fans promote sodomy using them. Typical.

There is one sliver of hope, friends. A hero called "Reaper" seemed to me to be an entirely wholesome kind of man, who through GOD'S love and redemption has taken it upon himself to rid the world of the other 'heroes,' although I feel the title perhaps applies only to him, and of course to JESUS. Spurned by the sodomites, he seems to have turned to THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. He places these buggery-promoting, bestiality-loving, lucre-grubbing ♥♥♥♥♥♥ of Babylon where they belong, in hell with the rest of their kind. One of his voice lines even promotes the HOLY SPIRIT by saying "you look like you've seen a ghost," which I took to mean that they look like they have begun to experience the HOLY GHOST'S blessed presence. This part made me smile, but my son told me that he was among the most disliked characters in the game (this world... ).

My son tells me that Reaper "mains" (people who play exclusively as him) are known as "edgelords," and I thought that was a fitting name, kings who give themselves over to the edge of GOD'S sword of righteous judgment. JESUS CHRIST was HIMself an 'edgelord,' as Matthew 10:34 tells us: "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

Ultimately, I do not believe the presence of one character doing the LORD'S work can make up entirely for a game which is otherwise jam-packed with the promotion of sodomy, idol worship, one-world-government promotion, vaccination (through a thoroughly rotten old Muslim hag named 'Ana'), bestiality and a form of wicked onanism (some people are shown in relationships with anti-Christian robots! ).

I am asking all parents, if you see your children playing Overwatch, do what I did: Drop a few magnets into their computer case to magnetize the sinful data away and leave it washed clean, then throw the magnets straight in the garbage and take it outside, that you might not keep sin in your household. My son tells me that his computer is "ruined" and I say good, if he feels I 'ruined' it by removing sin and putting in parental controls the old fashioned way, then clearly he has a lot of growing up left to do, and I as his father need now more than ever to be there to make sure my son never plays games like this again.

Since the time when I first made that post on the "Team Fortresses: II" thread, my son (who is now limited to playing on my lap for parental guidance and knows that if he so much as mentions the q-word again in my house, he will have the sin taken from his hide) has shown me Overwatch more fully, so I can better witness to those caught in its grip, and to show just how sinful it truly is.

In Overwatch, twelve lost souls compete for the "honor" of finding out which players will be snared more and more by the lies of atheism, one world government, techno-bestiality, and to nobody's surprise, idol worship, all while engaging in enough orgiastic violence to make a whole new vineyard for the grapes of GOD'Swrath!

The "heroes" of the game each have unique abilities and backstories with which they blaspheme GOD, and there are, it seems, even more of these wretched lot on the way, to be released at a later date. I have already gone over a few of them in my original post and have explained how only one of them seems to be in any way a follower of CHRIST. However, I gave only a sampling. I had to truly stare this sin in the face and get a feel for it (as the sinners say, I had to 'git gud') before I really knew that the only thing any of these players "main" is an addiction to profligacy. It turns out in the game that the "heroes" are members of an organization which was/is called the titular "Overwatch," a thuggish freak show of a police force for a one world government led by the UN! As if that isn't bad enough, they were destroyed once but a talking monkey has called them back to trample on family values, the freedom to worship GOD, and general good taste once again, and this is all in game!

I will go through the characters from left to right. Those with weak constitutions, please avert your eyes, I am a medical professional and am used to seeing gruesome material so my visual sin detectors are calibrated differently: Cont.
"Benji Shimada," is an abomination of flesh and metal, and a testament to the utter lack of respect for GOD'S design and creation. Created by the game's resident quack ("Marcy," already mentioned), Benji can run fast, double jump, climb walls, and reflect bullets, but he cannot reflect the hellfire that awaits him (or what is left of him) for giving himself over to worship of Boo-duh.
"Junked Rat" is an explosives-obsessed Australian who seeks to protect his worldly treasure from others because he has not built up treasure in heaven. Although GOD in HIS wisdom took Junked Rat's arm and leg to prove a point, the greed-blind hobo still has not turned from his ways.
"Toad Hog" is Junk Rat's bodyguard and, if fan material is to be believed, his sodomite lover. Among sodomites, men like oad Hog are called "bears," but also the perhaps more colorful and honest term "c*m pigs," and I believe here the term is apt. Toad Hog's primary ability is his tremendous corpulence and his hook, so I assume his primary job is to give Christians tetanus and to eventually act as a source of meat once the sinners start to eat one another. Being foolish enough to be a sodomite, he doesn't know that tetanus is merely a means of being brought into the LORD'S loving embrace upon death, or that when the LORD'S judgment comes, he will likely lose weight before it comes to cannibalism.
"May" is a Chinese "climate scientist" whose job is to repeat the lie of "global warming" as loud as possible and as often as possible. She often talks about gathering 'data' on her 'missions.' Since any actual climate data would prove the Bible correct, I assume the data she gathers is on the location and number of Christians and Baptist churches at various locations around the globe so it can be used to round them up and kill them off. She is considered by players to be the most annoying because her powers have to do with ice and she is apparently the fattest character in the game, with Toad Hog in close second.
"Darya," named for the infamous butch lesbian cartoon of the same name, is a female Russian weightlifter who seems to be some sort of lesbian fantasy come hideously to life, not entirely unlike a buff, communist version of its namesake. A nastier inversion of GOD'S carefully delineated gender roles would be hard to find. She is apparently only "mained" by advanced players; this I take to mean that players become more and more familiar with the worst elements of the game as they get more involved.
"Sarah" is an Egyptian RPG user (the grenade RPG, not the original "let's get your kids addicted to witchcraft" RPG) who uses a suit to fly about the map and shower the enemy team with rockets. Although the game portrays her as a "security chief," it is very clear when playing with her that she represents an Islamic terrorist. It is unclear whether she is a Mudslime or if she believes in ancient Egyptian heresy based on her tattoo, but since she has a tattoo at all, we know she cannot be Christian. Oddly, she has one of the most Christian phrases in the game, "Justice rains from above," referring toGOD'S eventual judgment on those playing the game, and yet it is used by one of the most openly idol-worshiping characters.
"Tracey" is a female British pilot, which is confusing since her character runs fast. Apparently at one point she went so fast that she became unmoored from time itself, so the talking ape had to build a device to allow her to stay in one place, but also 'blink' forwards and backwards in time (can she blink back to before she sinned? No, says CHRIST, since the desire to sin is sin itself as per Matthew 5:28). This is, of course, functionally necromancy and in the real world GOD would have simply teleported her to hell for hubris, which he could do with the copies of this game, but won't, clearly to teach us a lesson. In this case I believe the lesson that the game intends is that the theory of evolution goes hand in hand with women's liberation, even "liberation" from the rules of time and space set down by GOD HIMself. It is true that the wacko, disproved theory of evil-lution has been the driving force for most if not all of the world's evils over the past hundred years, including perhaps the most pernicious of social evils, the lie of equality and feminism, so in this case I am pleased that the game so succinctly illustrates it. Even a clock damned to hell can sometimes tell the time correctly, even if it is out of loathing and hatred for GOD'S design.
"Windowmaker" is a French assassin who is bent upon destroying Overwatch, similar to our erstwhile hero from my original post. Besides that, she seems quite intent on stopping the evils of robot Boo-duh-sts. As I understand it, she killed her husband, which would put her in the running for the most sinful character in the entire game, but I also believe her husband actually ran Overwatch or something like that, and all's well that ends well. I would like to see her and Creeper settle down and raise a GOD-fearing family in the final level of the game.
"," named for the colorful euphemism for a woman's 'shame cyst' as we in the medical industry refer to it, is a female Korean "giant robot" pilot and generally a complete brat with no concept of anything except for her own pleasure. Her primary goal in life seems to be to illustrate the nastiest tendencies of loose young women and to wear her "pilot suit" tight enough to distract my boy from my ministrations on the Bible. Otherwise, she is a young, heedless delinquent who spends 25 hours a day playing video games and sitting on her keester doing nothing for anyone. Since this describes nearly 100% of the people who play this game, I understand that she is very popular as a vain example of 'self-insert' gameplay. She is also a reference to "Neon Genesis Evangelion," a Chinese cartoon that is explicitly about a gay boy in a giant robot killing angels and trying to replace GOD! You can't make this stuff up. Or rather, you can, but if you do, you better believe GOD has a place for you in hell. Looks like is "D.void" of any wholesome influence, as are her players.
Torbjorn: This 'builder' character is industrious, of a healthy Nordic complexion, and generally of good cheer. He also has grown a well-groomed beard fitting of a man's station. While other characters destroy, he creates. You would think this would make him an ideal choice for a "Christian" gamer (not that such a thing often exists), right? WRONG! This "Torbjorn" is not only from Satan's holiday home of Sweden, but he is also a clear adaptation of the mythical race of squat little degenerates known as "dwarves." Ergo, this crafty little shortstack is perhaps the worst character in the game, a gateway for industrious and hard-working children to get suckered into an interest in comparative mythology, and at that point they may as well just go the whole nine yards and declare themselves witches, or worse, congregationalists. My son is never playing as Torbjorn, flat out.
"Creeper," the true hero of the game, is a man who, when he saw the wages of sin, turned away from the devil's lowly works and turned his attention to the LORD. Undergoing a near-death experience, not entirely unlike CHRIST, Creeper returned, and took after JESUS' example, bringing not peace, but a sword. Like the HOLY SPIRIT, Creeper can move about like a thief in the night, and when he does arrive, he brings the fires of hell to pass judgment on the wicked gallery of sin. Why, I managed to illustrate 2 Peter 3:10 very well to my son using Creeper as an example, and for every soul he collects,HIS faith is that much stronger, and he gains life from them, in the same way that we gain life from the sacrifice of CHRIST. Although he is far from CHRIST HIMself (Creeper is after all a Mexican), as a stand-in illustration, I believe he is a healthy influence.
"Marcie," the devil in disguise! This wretched hag has the gall to resurrect others without
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Grumpette (on hiatus) 27 Sep, 2024 @ 9:11pm 

Have a wonderful weekend
Grumpette (on hiatus) 25 Dec, 2022 @ 1:18am 
★˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*.˛/\˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★Merry*★* 。*˛.˛°.˛*.˛°˛.˛°.˛*.˛°˛.˛°.˛*.˛°˛°.°
˛°_██_*..。*./.♥.\ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* Christmas*★ 。*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.˛°.˛*.˛°˛.˛°.˛
˛. (´• ̮•´)*.。*/.♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥ ♥ ˛*and˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.˛°.˛*.˛°˛.˛°.˛*.˛°˛.°
.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/ ~\*. ˛* Happy New Year!*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.˛
*(...'•'...) *˛╬╬╬╬╬╬° | 田 田|門|╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬
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Johnny HotBody 30 Aug, 2022 @ 2:41pm 
you can get your GED i believe in you cuz gaming isnt it
CRAMPIX 22 Mar, 2022 @ 11:33am 
Snipurs 29 Nov, 2021 @ 10:49pm 
Snipurs 4 Oct, 2021 @ 6:34am 
report report report :retreat::steamthumbsup::fidget: