discord username: ryu.hayabusa

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[NINJA GAIDEN: Master Collection] NINJA GAIDEN 3: Razor's Edge
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I play fat like a pro 5 May @ 10:50am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Found yourself lack of Motivation:>?

well, let me tell you something.

I used to be so fat, and I was ashamed of my shape.
So afraid that I couldn't even get out of my room because I felt like everyone would be judging my appearance.

Look at me now!

So fat that I can't even get through the door!
I play fat like a pro 4 May @ 1:46pm 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Why do men like you choose to be gay?

girls have that thing for pooping too, you know?>
I play fat like a pro 3 May @ 4:08am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Did you know that you'll get hypersexuality when you are having a maniac episode when you are bipolar
feeling like watch porn 5 times a day
and sicence has found that masturbating 2 times a week incrases your life expectancy by 20%?
and which makes you logically immortal?
I play fat like a pro 1 May @ 1:40am 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Stop wasting your life, go get your dream life
follow my successf guys's instructions:
1) Uninstall Your Games
2) Turn off your PC
3) Go touch some grass
4) Go take a shower
5) Buy a rope
6) Do Erotic Asphyxiation
I play fat like a pro 29 Apr @ 7:49pm 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
I'm a pro binge eater
Do you know what comes after binge eating?

binge pooping
I play fat like a pro 28 Apr @ 11:15pm 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
You vs Shrek
1) Shrek is most likely uglier than you
You--1 Shrek--0
2) Shrek is more famous
You--1 Shrek --2
3) Shrek has a wife
You----1 Shrek---3
4) Shrek can sing ALL STAR
You--0 Shrek--5
5) Shrek is straight and you are an hidden gay.
You---99 Shrek--5

Congratulations! You won!