I'm there. For about five minutes. Maybe two.

I gotta scoot.
Actuellement hors ligne
Vitrine des captures d'écran
The Signal From Tölva
nick awesome 24 déc. 2017 à 14h00 
No worries pal. Merry X-Mens! Also: let's PUBG sometime (ping be blessed)??? xoxo
Eleima 5 déc. 2016 à 14h56 
Thanks, Hyetal. :) I shouldn't complain, it wasn't that bad, gotta focus on the good! :squirtyay:
Eleima 3 juil. 2016 à 14h17 
Oh my gosh, it totally ripped my heart to shreds, though. Going on the GOTY list for sure.
Eleima 28 juin 2016 à 13h18 
Thank you so much for Gravity Ghost!! So charming and relaxing!! Just started playing it tonight, and it was EXACTLY what I need. You're the best.
Eleima 21 mars 2016 à 12h57 
Happy birthday to my favorite source of adventure games!!! :necroheart::squirtyay:
Eleima 28 déc. 2015 à 10h11 
Thank you so much for Technobabylon!! I'm really looking forward to this adventure game, I know it'll be great!! :squirtyay::candycane::dwayneelf: Happy holidays and best wishes for 2016!!!!