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0.0 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 33.8 óra a nyilvántartásban (5.6 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: 2021. szept. 13., 13:38
Frissítve: 2022. nov. 22., 16:35

Very fun game that deserves recognition. It's as if a dungeon master for DnD decided to make Mount & Blade.

If you've played M&B, you'll find the map and party system familiar. There's companions and your army (which can level up, unlock new skills, etc.), there's towns you can take over, etc. The battling in this game does not go into as depth as M&B. However, M&B definitely lacks the creativity and deep story that Sands of Zalzaar does offer. That's where it reminded me sort of like DnD. It has rich story elements, different character races (which learn different spells and abilities), and it's dialogue is as if it was written by a creative DM (one with great flow and who is easy to understand!)

Highly recommend this game, it's one of those games that I think really deserves to be played. It's got that charm and it has that depth.
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