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Hunters Blade // XERO ∞ iNFINITY
After dissecting and deconstructing my past I realised that everything about me, everything I am is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. My human rights have been violated since childhood. My friends, girlfriends, relationships, flings, all of it was ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. It is, and always was an illusion, conjured up by my family and friends who wanted me to be something they could manipulate and control.

After realising their efforts where failing they tried to undermine me psychologically and used this a false pretext to have me sectioned, co-opting the UKs mental health service to serve their own flawed and illegal objectives.

Unfortunately, being eager to expand its reach and scope (hey, more jobs) or just corrupted by numerous employees who realise the power afforded them, the NHS's mental health services were willing to meet these bastardised requirements. I believe this twisting of understanding and manipulation of institutions surrounding mental health is called Gaslighting [www.merriam-webster.com] and it is perpetrated on an industrial scale. Sadly these people are not limited to the NHS, I've encountered them working for Amazon, for charities and NGOs, SMEs and even government departments (yes that's the British Civil Service). Now, it's important to separate institutions from employees, few institutions are created to be corrupt and subvert elements of society but the more power institutions wield, influence they have or sizeable budgets they control, the more they will attract people with ill intent. Man always seeks to dominate man.

All of this continues to this day, I have just had my room broken into to intimidate and distract from another collective failure. As I type this, the buffoons who export this outright corruption of public institutions, who are willing to treat people as commodities, who infiltrate and undermine institutions, society and civility here in the UK are reading this and are massively abusing the power a democratic society has vested in them. My PC is compromised and the coincidental door slamming is indicative of their observation.

All hail plausible deniability!

Here's an example of the kind of thing I'm talking about. More will follow!

How coruption works in the UK

"Why, foolish Lucious, dost thou not percieve
That Rome is but a wilderness of Tigers?" -Titus Andronicus. Act 3 Scene 1

"...some men are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them." I on the other hand was incompetent from birth and had mediocrity thrust upon me. -Me

"And I'm smart. Not book smart or street smart or brain smart, but something." -Lenny. The Simpsons

"The enemy? His sense of duty was no less than yours, I deem. You wonder what his name is, where he comes from, and if he really was evil at heart. What lies or threats led him on this long march from home, and would he not rather have stayed there... in peace? War will make corpses of us all." -Faramir. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

Roger: "There are three things I love in this world. Kylie Minogue, The small dimples just above a woman's buttocks." Allen: "Beautiful features." Roger: "The fear in a man's eye who knows I am about to hurt him."

"Resistance is mandatory!" -Me

Hip Hop

Strange Ways

Heartbroken T2


2:58 Conspiracy Chillstep This'll be back

The most important song of all.
Sin conexión
ZBug 14 MAY 2018 a las 2:42 p. m. 
could we play how to survive?
[FOR] Reason 9 JUN 2014 a las 1:59 p. m. 
First of many Shattered Horizon organized gaming events starts tonight at 5pm Pacific on the Seattle, WA server ... Please join us :D