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Recente recensies door Hunter

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Niemand heeft deze recensie tot nu toe als nuttig gemarkeerd
27.1 uur in totaal (7.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
A bit hard to run on a 1060 but that's just old hardware.
Definitely need more than 2 brain cells to play it as there are a lot of survival mechanics to learn.
Please update the performance since low and medium are pretty much the same experience but might not be the same for everyone.

Overall game is recommended but the experience with a friend or 2 definitely makes it a lot more fun
Geplaatst 20 februari 2022.
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2 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
3.5 uur in totaal
Its a good game but there are still some glitches happening here and there.
Not only that, but some of the text lines between characters have misspellings and missing words.

Aside from this the story is great, puzzles are good brain teasers so overall a good experience if you want to play something in the evening to relax
Geplaatst 21 juli 2020.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
277.6 uur in totaal (202.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Ok, to the person who decides to read this

This game requires skill, team work, and accuracy. If you think you have those, you are wrong, there are people out there better than you in this game. Some you'll call hackers and others will be added but in the end this game is hard, very hard. If you want to reach top ranks you need to be willing to go through the crowds of silver 9 year old kids calling others hackers, the Russians who don't listen and throw the game (although some are actually quite nice and play well), actual hackers and most of all your ping issues. I'd reccomend this game to people who want to become good at something they like and want to build team work skills but if you're looking for some random fps go play CoD or Battlefield. This game is full of hardships but if you are willing l push through, you will reach your goal. But whatever you do, don't even think about getting knives through cases.

You have been warned, now you decide what to do
Geplaatst 7 juni 2016.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie nuttig
1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
4,452.2 uur in totaal (1,128.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Its an amazing but hard game once you get into the swing of things, if you are new to the MOBA play style i would reccomend you play through the tutorials first an a couple of bot matches to learn a hero you like
Overall its a good and fun game that brings you closer with your friends if you play with them (makes you pissed at them too for a mess up)
Just remember, one mistake by you could lead to a loss in a game. Don't blame your team for your own mistakes and don't become the typical cancer dota player
Geplaatst 22 april 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 31 augustus 2016.
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