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Showing 1-3 of 3 entries
Sorkh & Khorsheed
Collection by McKraken
The forest has a conscious of it’s own. If the eldritch energy feels a great unbalance, so it will influence the world to restore what has been lost against the flow of nature. And so it was that 3 dreams came to be. One appeared as an unborn cub to a youn
Veiled Requiem - Phantom Assassin
Collection by McKraken
" In the month of Tammuz, 346th cycle of the Veil's Golden Age, Mortred, the Sister who spoke her name, escapes her imprisonment from Ravenmarch prison tower. On that day, after a year of silence, reports from the prison overwatch mention 'an impossible bl
the Dragon Whisperer's set
Collection by McKraken
Meant for the Dragon Knight, this set is Inspired by the Dragon form, to give the Knight a more Dynamic and furios look as well as giving him more volume and form.
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