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Αναρτήθηκε: 30 Νοε 2019, 10:07
Ενημέρωση: 2 Σεπ, 19:46

Updating my review for this game (9/2/2024), unfortunately cannot recommend this game anymore. Destiny used to be my all time favorite game ever, i loved it to death, in fact my very first tattoo i got was of the destiny logo. But now it just feels empty, a shell of what it once was, its always been a grindy game and thats one of the things I liked about it but now it just feels like a chore do to a lot of the things in this new seasonal model and has felt that way for awhile actually. Maybe it's just because i am getting older and have less time to play games with everything going on in life and when i do have time to play something, getting on destiny to complete X amount of something every day/week gets repetitive and dull fast.

The biggest change for me and one of the main reasons I stopped playing was the layoffs at Bungie (the first wave), anytime you see that happen to a company it is never good news, they were not "trimming the fat", they were getting rid of genuinely good people who have worked there for years and have been committed to the game. So that was a big red flag. I came back and played The Final Shape just to see the end of the light and dark saga, which by the way only appeals to the veteran players, anybody who was relatively new to the game didnt know what the hell was going on and the story didnt and COULD NOT resonate with them the same as it did with some of the older players because frankly the newer players didnt get to play most of the story leading up to this finale because BUNGIE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ REMOVED IT FROM THE GAME. That was the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ decision they could have made, its like starting a TV show at season 5 and the best info you have to work with is a recap video on YouTube which no new players are going to watch.

But back to the game, The Final Shape was actually super good, almost as good as Witch Queen (imo) it was quite fun and I loved the hell out of the new Excision activity, which made what came next that much harder. MORE. LAYOFFS. Yes, they had ANOTHER wave of layoffs at bungie and got rid of even more very talented people who made the game something special, not only that, but 2 of the biggest people at Bungie left as well (Luke Smith & Mark Noseworthy) and that was the final straw for me, thats what solidified the end, the players can be optimistic and hopeful of a recovery but when 2 of the biggest bungie senior executives leave then something terrible has gone wrong. Plus the announcement they there will be no more expansions to the game (theyre still doing seasonal/episodes) but no big yearly expansions to the game, wow. I may still get on and play time to time just to mess around but I cant see myself ever being as invested as i was. I loved my time with this game, I dont regret a single hour I put into it over the years it was good while it lasted and have plenty of merch, pins, and memories of good times on it. Farming titles and triumphs, I have a lot to show for my time in this game, but frankly it doesnt really matter anymore.

I met some of the coolest people in this game all the way back in a Leviathan raid LFG. I played with them for years and now with the new state of Destiny a lot of that group has fallen apart, theres still a good amount of them that play but most have come to the same conclusion as I and have just moved on to other games. So I just want to give a quick shoutout to all of them:

Criminal, Pig, Jahnzy, Shamy, Gill, Maurice, Beers, L00n, Tearnov, M3rasaki, StockOption, Skuirrel, and all the other newer peeps that joined the clan.

I love the ♥♥♥♥ out of all you guys and I miss playing this game with all you like we used to. I'll try and hop on every once in awhile and play. But thanks for playing with me all those years, you guys are all dope as ♥♥♥♥, see you around <3

Old (2019) Review:

I was one of the many that came from Battenet and lemme tell ya, there's always something to do, at times there's too much to do, if you ever think that there isn't anything to do or that you've already done everything then you're not doing it right. I can't tell you how many of my friends i've helped get through the campaigns and they think that they've finished the game and just stop playing. Campaigns are practically the tutorial and once you've done them, you're now actually playing the game for real and boy oh boy has it only just started.
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