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Indsendt: 1. jan. 2022 kl. 22:55
Opdateret: 31. juli 2022 kl. 16:24

Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
As of right now, going off of my experience I cannot recommend this game. This game crashes, A LOT. And it can and will crash anywhere and everywhere. In the middle of combat? Crash. Trying to have a conversation? Crash. Just wandering around, taking in the scenery? Crash. Just loading into the bloody main menu? You guessed it, crash. And the sheer amount of crashes means you're going to spend more time launching the game and loading back into a save than actual time playing. I'm trying really hard to look past all the issues I'm having and enjoy the game as I'm really getting into D&D and had a blast playing D:OS2 but the sheer amount of time I've spent trying to troubleshoot and constantly relaunch the game currently makes it impossible for me to find any enjoyment. I am unsure as to whether it's simply really bad coding and optimisation on the game's part or whether it simply doesn't like running on an AMD system as a few other titles are notorious for. Regardless, until the devs can ascertain what's going wrong and fix it. I cannot bring myself to recommend Baldur's Gate 3. Perhaps in time, when this game has a lot more polish on it, I may return and find my issues gone. If that happens, I'll be sure to update my review. For now, due to its broken state and near-unplayability I give this game a 3/10.

Update 2022-07-31:
Updating my review to recommended as with the latest major update and hotfixes things have improved exponentially. Began a new run awhile back and I haven't suffered a single crash since then while running the game with the Vulkan API. Everything is stable and a bit more optimized, my GPU fans no longer ramp up nearly as high as they used to. All in all, I'm now really enjoying the experience. It still does take a bit of time to really get into but it's honestly worth it, especially if you're running on one of the harder difficulties like I am. I've hit the end of Act 1 finally but I still have plenty more to do so even though only the first act is playable right now, you'll have plenty of content to keep you occupied! Upping my review score to a 6/10.
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