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Killing Floor 2

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Maps and Mods
Mostrando 1-8 de 8 aportaciones
Yin Yang : The Second Collection
Colección creada por :Desty
Many thanks to all who supported the first collection! So here is the second one!
Yin Yang Collection [Remastered]
Colección creada por :Desty
Revisited version of Yin Yang weapon set. Now with normal maps and improved shading. Remastered version is also expanded with two new skins for M1911 and SW500. If you are interested, old version can be found here.
Synthwave Weaponry
Colección creada por :Desty
Welcome back to 80's! Demonstration on YouTube:
Horzine SPEC Weapons
Colección creada por :Desty
These weapons were developed by Horzine for its Special Forces Group
Sharp Shards Collection
Colección creada por :Desty
Abstract minimalist weapon restyles with sharp edged elements in four color variants
Yin Yang Weapon Set
Colección creada por :Desty
Total Oriental conversion for some weapons
Polygramm Weapon Set
Colección creada por :Desty
Soft blue minimalistic abstract paint jobs
Caution Sign Weapon Set
Colección creada por :Desty
Black'n'Yellow styled paint jobs with a special caution sign
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