Herobrine's Significant Other
Samuel Crompton   Applewood, Colorado, United States
About Me, Sam Crompton

:saddie: An eleven year old dude born and raised in Lakewood, Nebraska

:saddie: Moved to Applewood, Colorado when I was eight

:saddie: Fell in love with Minecraft when my friend Chris introduced it to me in 2014

:saddie: Ranked 36th most popular kid in my school (an anonymous survey was done in Fall 2015)

:saddie: Dedicated half of my spare time to expand my Survival World

:saddie: Dedicated the other half to work on my Minecraft Server (Herobrine Hunt)

:saddie: Three Herobrine encounters and counting

:saddie: A total of 328 diamonds mined and counting

How You Can Help

My parents have not given me permission to create my own donation site, where lovely people like you could help me pay for my server, so instead I take steam donations. By giving me just one CS:GO key (the only currency I have heard about on Steam) you would be contributing to the tracking of the elusive Herobrine, a Minecraft secret, made fun of by all of the Haters and Trolls out there. I can guarantee that you, my good friend, are not a Hater or a Troll, because you have stumbled upon this hidden Steam Profile. All I ask is if you are interested in proving the Minecraft Community, no, the whole world wrong, then help me help you, by donating one single CS:GO key.

Thank You,
Samuel Crompton

Trade Link
Currently Offline
Herobrine Hunt Log
Friday, November 27, 2015

Dudes. The most legit thing happened to me yesterday. So last night, I stayed up past my bedtime, because I don't follow the rules. Anyways, my parents were in the living room watching their show that only comes on at 7:30 PM - my bedtime (so I can't freaking watch it). I sneaked into the computer room. I stealthily booted up our 2010 MacBook Pro and clicked on Minecraft. That sound that the trackpad makes when you click on Minecraft - I don't know what it is, but I always feel something in my pants - weird huh? I jumped into my Survival World (oh and BTW, please join my sever - Herobrine Hunt - I paid for it with my own money!) and I continued on with my second life. Then something amazing happened - I found some gold ore! I jumped in excitement, but I made sure not to make to much noise or else my parents would ground me and then my dad would come into my bedroom the next night and make me touch it. I quickly mined the 4 blocks of gold ore and rushed back to my house, where I stored it in my secret chest (it's behind my wall - I'm pretty good with redstone). Then the legit things started to happen. The screen got all fuzzy and the game crashed. But it wasn't like any other crash due to the small processing power of the Mac, it was Herobrine, I swear! I saw his white eyes just before the game crashed. I decided that it was time to go back to sleep, I was tired anyways. I looked at the clock on the Mac - 10:34! I've never stayed up so late! My encounter with Herobrine filled me with faith, the faith that Herobrine is real. All of the hate and modding out there is unnecessary. You have just read my story. Now, please! Share it with the world! People need to know that they have been living a lie. Herobrine is real, and one day... I will catch him.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

I'm writing this after an interesting experience I just had on my Minecraft server. Well it's my first day of leisure after an exhausting week at school, and the word Minecraft was floating around my head, egging me to boot up my family's MacBook. Now, my parents don't give me any limitations on how much I can play on the weekend, as long as I've finished my homework (which I did Friday evening), emptied and filled the dishwasher (done), sorted the recycling (finished), shooed away that pesky hog that tries to eat our radishes (no pig, no work), fed all three of our dogs (Johnny Boy, Crankshaft (my Dad's a mechanic), and Steve (I wonder where that name came from)), our two cats (Patricia and Domino), and my snake (Cosine!), and finally cleaned the pipes (I don't want to elaborate). Now I was more tired than ever, but my sweaty palms still had enough strength to hold down the power button on our MacBook for the necessary four seconds for it to boot up. I sat in the chair, my body returning to my natural state, and I stretched and tried to crack my knuckles the cool way it's done in movies. I then greenstick fractured my left pinky. The pain was irrelevant. The main issue I faced was wondering whether or not I'd be able to still play Minecraft. My right hand which mans the mouse was fine, and my index, middle, and ring fingers on my left hand were in good enough shape to press the W, A, S, and D keys. So why wouldn't I be? With this relieving thought in my mind, I showed my finger to my mother. Thirty minutes later the doctor confirmed it was broken, and showed my the x-ray, proving that it was a greenstick - just as I had suspected. I got a wee cast that, luckily, this will not interfere with my other three fingers on that hand.

Anyways, you're here for the Minecraft story (sorry for getting carried away :saddie:). So I got home and immediately returned to the Mac, where the familiar Minecraft Background greeted me. I booted up Minecraft, blah, blah, blah, then faced the dilemma of choosing whether to work on my Survival or Server. I chose to enter my Server and see if anything had changed. It hadn't. I don't understand! I am advertising my Server on this Steam Profile, on three different Minecraft Server Websites, and I even put up some fliers around town. As I curled up on that chair, weeping and rocking myself back and forth, feeling so alone, something occurred on my Server. Something, miraculous. I look up to see a player, quite a distance away from me now, running towards the jungle biome. I quickly scooted my chair closer to the screen, put my broken fingered hand on the keyboard, and placed my regular hand on the mouse. I did not have access to Creative Mode, so I had to run on foot. Luckily I knew some tricks on how to sprint faster, and I saw myself quickly gaining on the player. I could now see that he was using the default Minecraft 'Steve' skin, but I could not make out his name, as the darkness of the jungle made it difficult to read. Suddenly, the player stopped. Now was my chance, but as I crept closer and closer to him, the entire player model was now more easy to make out. I gasped in shock as I read the player's name. Herobrine1 . He or she turned around to face me, and I could now see that the skin was not default, it was the skin of Herobrine. His bright, white eyes blinded me, but I could still make out some text at the lower left portion of the screen:

<:Herobrine1> Hello m8

My mind was filled with confusion; I had never heard of Herobrine appearing in Servers, nor had I heard of him presented as "Herobrine 1 ". But how could someone this special, someone with as rare of a username as this, find my Server? Or was it destiny? Did Herobrine join my server with an alternate username, just for me? All of these questions were soon answered. We began chatting as any two regular Minecrafters would do, then later he invited me to an Omegle session, where I quickly found out that he was not the real Herobrine, but was in fact a naked man on a couch. I quickly exited the browser, ripped out the ethernet cord, closed the screen and left. I am just assuming that this man, this terrifying man, joined my server because he either entered a random IP address, or because he saw one of my ads, and decided to prey on me.

I don't plan on opening that computer anytime soon, and I am writing this with the Steam App on my phone. Anyways, I'll probably write another entry after New Years, so see you then.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

I know I said that I wouldn't write another entry in this log until the New Years, and that I was terrified of even opening up our laptop, but the crave for some edgy-a** pixels drove me over the edge. I played Minecraft for the first time in over two weeks. Anyways, I just wanted to post a quick update on what had happened on my Minecraft Server. After the unforgettable interaction with Herobrine1, there seemed to be an abnormal amount of visitors while I have been gone. Due to the immense griefing of my small village I had built, I would say that three people have joined in the last two weeks (I don't have any plug-ins that tell me who's been on, so three is just an estimate). However, these people did more than just grief. While scanning the area for anymore destruction, I came across a Herobrine Summon Statue, but the Netherrack had no flame. I sighed in relief as I knew that my server would not be corrupted by the evil powers of that man, but than a provoking thought occurred to me: I had no gold in my village, let alone gold blocks. Why would people spend all that time searching for all that gold? Or was it Herobrine himself; planting summoning traps so unsuspecting victims would release him into the real world to reek havoc and rule my server. Whatever the reason was, I didn't care - I still looted the gold. To rap up this post, I want to state something personally for Herobrine.

Herobrine, ♥♥♥.
chickenkaka 29 Jan, 2018 @ 6:10am 
added for trade, can negoiate
CHEY1 28 Jan, 2018 @ 9:30pm 
Can I exchange him with you?
CHEY1 28 Jan, 2018 @ 9:30pm 
TOP 1 GLOBALAIMGODGOATED 14 Jun, 2017 @ 2:08pm 
♥♥♥♥ you little ♥♥♥♥ i hope a pedo ♥♥♥♥ your little ass
Turf 3 May, 2017 @ 8:29am 
Hi I am intressted for your Bayonet | Black laminate
can you add me that we can discuss a price pls?
PatchesBC 14 Jan, 2017 @ 3:02pm 
I might have something else lined up for my keys. I can do 12 for the Dragon King.