minge master
Cashed out! I'm done trading for now.
Keeping the info below incase I pick it up again.
:whitemagic: Interested in trading? Please read below. :whitemagic:
:mana:Please comment below telling me why you're adding me.
:mana:(Unless you comment elsewhere, like Lounge or Reddit.)
현재 오프라인
거래를 위해 내놓은 아이템
소유한 아이템
거래 횟수
장터 거래 횟수

                                            C A $ H E D    O U T    B O Y S
                                                  Not trading any more
                                       Keeping this info incase I start again
:RedStar: I don't believe I have any impersonators, but confirm the info below before trading! :RedStar:

| steamname: Hebepep
| steam3ID: [U:1:90754356]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:45377178
| steamID64: http://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198051020084
| customURL: http://steamproxy.net/id/Hebepep
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198051020084

:5Star: 1400+ Hours on CS:GO
:starite: 110+ Games on Steam
:first_star: 11+ Year old Account (Check the profile badge)
:starfull: 1150+ Trades Made
:krstar: 600+ Market Transactions
:5Star: 100+ Reputation on my Profile (40+ Pages)

:spacerunstar: My Trading Link:

:crystal: My Cash Rep Thread:

:TheKeys: Keys sold to date: ~950
:TheKeys: Keys bought to date: ~1400


:pashield: Please don't try to scam me, I've had them all tried on me. It wastes time for both of us. :pashield:
mike oxbrown 2023년 12월 6일 오후 7시 41분 
hi cob
Sexual Tyrannosaurus 2023년 9월 19일 오후 10시 58분 
Tonk 2023년 9월 9일 오후 10시 35분 
absolute GAMER
Kay 2018년 10월 15일 오전 12시 46분 
mike oxbrown 2016년 7월 11일 오후 6시 21분 
♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥
Uno 2016년 4월 14일 오전 8시 37분 
Added to ask for some help!