Collin   Farmington, New Mexico, United States
I know de weh.

I have been playing video games about the same time I learned how to walk. Playing Sonic The Hedgehog was one of my first memories. I also had a Sega Nomad, a portable Sega Genesis, so I could play Sonic or Zombies Ate My Neighbors when I went somewhere with my parents. I loved playing Poke'mon Red and Blue on the original grey block Nintendo Gameboy; I remember playing it constantly, even in cars and in planes. Some of my friends were into MegaMan, some were into Final Fantasy, or Zelda. Then we got into computer gaming alot, we still used consoles, I loved Starcraft, Rollercoaster Tycoon, The Sims. I got a Sega Dreamcast instead of a Sony Playstation or waiting for the PS2 to come out, that way I could play Sonic Adventure, and Sonic Adventure 2. A friend gave me a Sony Playstation, so I loved to play Crash Bandicoot Racing, Darkstone, and Tekken 3, haha, Eddie Gordo. Also, my mom wouldn't let me play Rated Mature games until she thought I was old enough, when I was old enough I loved Silent Hill and Resident Evil 1 & 2. I got a PS2, and I loved playing Grand Turismo 3, I thought the graphics looked really amazing good at the time. I really enjoyed Stuntman, Dark Alliance 1 & 2, Champions Of Norath, Silent Hill 2 & 3, Resident Evil 4, all of the Splinter Cells, Rainbow Six 3... And then I got an Xbox and I played Halo from then on out until Halo 2 came out, and I played that until Xbox 360 came out, got one of those, and kept playing, eventually Halo 3 came out, and a few months after that my 360 red ringed (fail to start). I got the 360 repaired, and like a week later it red ringed again. A friend let me borrow his 360, and in about 2 months that 360 red ringed. I got it repaired and a week later it red ringed again. So now I will never buy another console as long as I live. ♥♥♥♥ consoles. ♥♥♥♥ consoles. ♥♥♥♥ consoles. All video games are created on the computer, so they should all have a PC / MAC format and release, period. There is no reason why it can't be that way, other than the fact of "Monopolying". But I love video games, regardless.
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D3adhazzard 24 Sep 2017 @ 12:05pm 
Hey brother have you looked into player unknown battlegrounds?
D3adhazzard 6 Jul 2011 @ 1:26pm 
team fortress 2 for the win :D