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게시 일시: 2024년 3월 30일 오전 11시 02분

Chrono Trigger is a modern day masterpiece that was released during the days of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. While I personally haven't played the original version, I have played the DS version way back in 2008 or so. I can attest that this game is indeed the hype that its fans makes it out to be. With fluid combat that takes place in real time, an amazingly catchy soundtrack, and amazing characters, and a layered story, this game has it all. There's also like 13 endings as well. Trust me, this game is worth every penny.

For those of us who bought the game and can't seem to get it to run, I'll reiterate what user "Ok_status_1982" on Reddit said that helped me get the game running-- open up your notepad app, save it as "libEGL.dll" and place that file in your copy of Chrono Trigger's files. Should help you out.

Thank you for reading, and I hope the memories you make with this game are as pleasant as mine all those years ago.
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