Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
37/37 (100%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Start of Eden

Started Rinne Utopia.
Avattu 23.7.2019 klo 22.21

Quiet Awakening

Started Arusu Install.
Avattu 27.7.2019 klo 0.04

Let's Go On A Date

Selected one of the heroines on the map.
Avattu 23.7.2019 klo 23.57

Noisy Neighbors

Selected one of the sub-characters on the map.
Avattu 24.7.2019 klo 0.15

Tohka's Wedding

Watched Tohka's good ending in Rinne Utopia.
Avattu 25.7.2019 klo 7.42

Tobiichi's Family

Watched Origami's good ending in Rinne Utopia.
Avattu 26.7.2019 klo 9.57

Yoshino's Wonder

Watched Yoshino's good ending in Rinne Utopia.
Avattu 24.7.2019 klo 4.38

Kurumi's Remnants

Watched Kurumi's good ending in Rinne Utopia.
Avattu 26.7.2019 klo 11.35

Itsuka's Fortune

Watched Kotori's good ending in Rinne Utopia.
Avattu 25.7.2019 klo 10.32

Rinne Utopia

Watched Rinne Utopia's true ending.
Avattu 26.7.2019 klo 23.09

Rinne's Memories

Watched all possible endings in Rinne Utopia.
Avattu 26.7.2019 klo 23.37

Rinne's Fantasia

Watched the "What if?" ending in Rinne Utopia. Miracles do happen.
Avattu 26.7.2019 klo 23.17

Tohka's Adieu

Watched Tohka's good ending in Arusu Install.
Avattu 28.7.2019 klo 23.19

Origami's Desire

Watched Origami's good ending in Arusu Install.
Avattu 28.7.2019 klo 23.47

Yoshino's Playhouse

Watched Yoshino's good ending in Arusu Install.
Avattu 27.7.2019 klo 14.54

Kurumi's Duo

Watched Kurumi's good ending in Arusu Install.
Avattu 29.7.2019 klo 0.34

Kotori's Journey

Watched Kotori's good ending in Arusu Install.
Avattu 29.7.2019 klo 1.27

Kaguya's Stroll

Watched Kaguya's good ending in Arusu Install.
Avattu 29.7.2019 klo 2.26

Yuzuru's Lover

Watched Yuzuru's good ending in Arusu Install.
Avattu 29.7.2019 klo 2.19

Miku's Shyness

Watched Miku's good ending in Arusu Install.
Avattu 28.7.2019 klo 2.45

Arusu Install

Watched Arusu Install's true ending.
Avattu 29.7.2019 klo 8.14

Maria's Realization

Watched all possible endings in Arusu Install.
Avattu 29.7.2019 klo 8.25

Shido's Digest

Watched the digest scenarios.
Avattu 29.7.2019 klo 9.13

Neo Eden

Started Rio Reincarnation.
Avattu 29.7.2019 klo 9.28

Arusu's School Days

Watched Maria's ending in Rio Reincarnation.
Avattu 31.7.2019 klo 5.43

Marina the Romantic

Watched Marina's ending.
Avattu 31.7.2019 klo 6.00

Rio Reincarnation

Watched Rio's ending in Rio Reincarnation.
Avattu 31.7.2019 klo 6.17

Rinne's Mitosis

Watched Rio Reincarnation's true ending.
Avattu 30.7.2019 klo 6.28

Emotional Cycle

Watched all endings.
Avattu 31.7.2019 klo 6.17

World on Repeat

Watched all bad endings.
Avattu 29.7.2019 klo 8.25

The Days We Spent

All memories obtained.
Avattu 31.7.2019 klo 7.47

Data Retrieval

Collected 50% of the CGs.
Avattu 28.7.2019 klo 0.00

Data Live

Collected 100% of the CGs.
Avattu 31.7.2019 klo 7.15

Remember Our Days

Watched all movies.
Avattu 30.7.2019 klo 6.18

Maestro Aficionado

Listened to all BGM tracks.
Avattu 30.7.2019 klo 6.06

Date A Side-story

Watched all sub-character scenarios.
Avattu 31.7.2019 klo 7.23

Date A Completionist

Obtained all Achievements.
Avattu 31.7.2019 klo 7.47