HaL's Game Give-Away
Wisconsin, United States
If you got a friend request from us, you best accept it fast! Because you've won a game, son!

Since 2009, HaL's PlayGrounD has been giveing away games to its community members. The tradition has been renewed and revitalized with more ways to win than ever before! Not to mention with better game titles!

Curious on how to win? Then visit our forums for information on our next game drawing!


Unique Titles Given:

Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
CounterStrike: Source
Half-Life 2 Deathmatch
Killing Floor
Left 4 Dead 2
Max Payne Bundle
Saints Row 2
Shattered Horizon
Star Wars: Kotor
Supreme Commander 2
World Of Goo

Mimsy is my Shero - [Machinarium]
Gilded Knight - [Killing Floor]
Pandora - [Killing Floor]
Fluffy bunny - [Killing Floor]
trickyM66 - [Killing Floor]
Bastian - [Left 4 Dead 2]
Ulquiorra Schiffer - [Left 4 Dead 2]
Fluffy Bunny - [Left 4 Dead 2]
GoosemanRocks - [Overlord]
Chris Hanson - [Overlord]
Kirby - [Overload]
Hammy - [Overlord Complete Pack]

DrukenHobo - [Saints Row 2]
ZigtheFig - [Bioshock]
Zemos - [Shattered Horizon]
Slowpoke - [Shattered Horizon]
BabyGirl - [Killing Floor]
Ramanag - [Overlord: Raising hell]
Broseph - [Overlord]
Robocop - [Audiosurf ]
Orange Wale - [Audiosurf]
Ceiling Kiwi - [Audiosurf]
Freki - [Starwars Kotor]
Flandre -[Left 4 dead 2]
SuPeRmAn - [Max Payne Bundle]
Shad0wS DeAtH - [CounterStrike: Source]
Rainbows make me cry - [Half-Life 2 Deathmatch]
n8meep - [Killing Floor]
Paddy Garcia - [Supreme Commander 2]
Tribesman - [DogFighter]
Egloskerry - [Battlefield: Bad Company 2]
FPSjames - [Star Wars: Kotor]
Dr.Gonzo[INAMERICA] - [Amnesia: The Dark Descent]
Princess Luna ±PGD± - [World Of Goo]
Jibblious PGD - [Dungeon Defenders]
And many more to come!