Jesse   Atlanta, Georgia, United States
The 👮 Department of 🏠 Homeland 🗽 Security 🚔 has issued a 🅱ruh Moment ⚠ warning 🚧 for the following districts: Ligma, Sugma, 🅱ofa, and Sugondese.

Numerous instances of 🅱ruh moments 🅱eing triggered by 👀 cringe😬 normies 🚽 have ⏰ recently 🕑 occurred across the 🌎 continental United State. These individuals are 🅱elieved to 🅱e highly 🔫 dangerous 🔪 and should 🚫 not ❌ 🅱e approached. Citizens are instructed to remain inside and 🔒lock their 🚪doors.

Under ❌no⛔ circumstances should any citizen 🙊 say "bruh" in reaction to an action performed 🅱y a cringe😬 normie🚽 and should store the following items in a secure🔒 location: Jahcoins💶, V-bucks💴, Gekyume's foreskin🍆, poop💩 socks, juul💭 pods, ball 🍒 crushers, and dip.

Remain tuned for further instructions.

NoLackin420 2016年10月8日 14時28分 
You have been visited by the wall of Trump, copy and paste this to five of your friend's profiles to make America great again
Assistant to the Racialist 2016年8月7日 4時38分 
If harambe 🐒 and my girl 👧 😍 both drowning 😱 👋 and I can only save one 😤 😬 Catch me at my girl funeral 😔 👻 🌹 with my ♥♥♥♥ out 😏 💯 😎 🍆
@ CREEDO 2015年12月23日 2時10分 
@ CREEDO 2015年12月23日 2時10分 
Lol Bruh:steammocking:
No diddy 2015年5月25日 14時52分 
how u do this XD
No diddy 2015年5月25日 14時52分 
4 vacs..