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1.2 hrs last two weeks / 7.0 hrs on record (3.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 11 Oct, 2022 @ 4:18pm

Now I am rating it positive, as it is a good game and good remaster through-and-through, as other reviews will explain in detail.

However, I want to make one small caveat clear: This game is really... REALLY short. 4 levels per episode with 4 episodes, and the levels aren't particularly long, either. I beat the game in about three hours, and nearly finished it in one sitting.

(Granted I haven't finished the addon levels yet, but that's mostly because I hit a roadblock where I'm not sure if the scripting broke or if it's just that cryptic. But either way I don't think the additional levels are very good.)

So bear in mind: You're gonna be paying 20 dollars for a three hour game. Even if it is relatively replayable, I think that's still a pretty steep asking price. Maybe wait for a sale.
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