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A 18 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
13.7 h registradas
A very beautiful and tragic story, about children in a world of war and plague.
I don't want to spoil anything, for the game might be considered "old", nevertheless I don't want to spoil anyone from the incredible experience this game was, (atleast for me).
So I am just going to put it like this.. if you like stealth games, where there is actual tactics to it, sneak around or plan your kills and such, not like the Assassin's creed type of "stealth" where you can still take on the whole world if you want to.
And if you like a tactical game as mentioned in my explanation of the stealth.
And if you like a game with an incredible story, beautiful scenes and graphics, and wonderful music.
This could very well be a game for you.
I was afraid when I played this game that your little brother Hugo would be as annoying as Atreus from God of War, but to my pleasant surprise, Hugo was nothing but adorable and useful, and his actions were understandable. The game is also about 10 to 15 hours long and there is chapter select if you were to miss any collectible for achievement.
But to keep myself from spoiling anything, I am going to end it with.
10/10- Amazing game, strongly recommended.
Publicada el 24 de abril de 2022.
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A 3 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
28.8 h registradas (11.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
A really interesting game, without spoiling anything, all I can say is It is such a unique game with a mix of everything, I had a blast playing it with a friend of mine.
The only downside to the game that I can possibly find is that you have to play with someone, it is nice to do, however it is a downside if you have no one to play with, even though there is a friends pass so you only need one copy of the game. The game is about 11 hours, and only the owner of the game can get achievements, the one using friends pass get no achievements if that is of importance to you.

10/10 - A great game, had a lot of fun playing, and the story is beautiful yet quite tragic.
Publicada el 20 de abril de 2022.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
5.5 h registradas
Charles plan is the way
10/10 Dance
Publicada el 6 de abril de 2022.
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10.6 h registradas
The game as a whole feel like.. less of a puzzle game and more of "chores" go here and do that kind of vibe.
The story is alright, it feel a bit off at times and there are some unanswered questions at the end, but it is part of a trilogy so it is acceptable.
Voice acting feel kind of cheap in a way at the same time as it is kind of good.
For a "horror" game, the scare level is more of a creep vibe where you don't quite know where the enemy is, if they are around the corner footsteps you hear or if they are above you.
I started of sneaking around but eventually said F it and just went Dead by Daylight style and began looping the killer to get to my objective faster.
The game is short, maybe about 6 hours, my hours come from forgetting to turn it off when I went out.
If you want to 100% it, there are collectibles that have to be done in 1 playthrough, 17 out of 19 are missable, so recommend a guide maybe.
As a whole I would say my experience with the game was pleasant. I would recommend it, maybe get on sale though since it is so short.
Publicada el 5 de abril de 2022.
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A 1 persona le pareció útil esta reseña
22.5 h registradas
Phenomenal story game.
The story got me instantly, the music, the sound, the voice acting, the graphics, all of it just a 10/10
The only downside I could really find with the game is that I played on the highest difficulty and the only "difficult" mission was driving a car in a race that you have to win to move on with story.
The game is rather short but a 100% recommend, would wait for a sale though.
My hours are from getting all collectibles for 100% achievements.
Publicada el 5 de abril de 2022. Última edición: 5 de abril de 2022.
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9.5 h registradas
The story from the first game to this one was a neat follow, the voice acting is sort of dull but the game itself is less of a 1 way to kill 1 person at a time as the first game was, and is now more like a Hitman game where you can kill everyone in some different ways.
You also have a skill tree this time and chose your own abilities in the ability bar instead of how the first game was where they just gave you everything as the game went on.
The game is also not too greatly optimized.. I have a beast pc with newest parts on market but somehow managed to have fps drops in this game while in bigger games like Watch dogs legion i notice no drops on ultra.
But the game as a whole is alright, even though all the bugs. Right now as of 5th of April 2022 both Lucius 1 and 2 are together on sale for 3.44 euro so 100% recommended at that price. Would not buy full price though.
Publicada el 5 de abril de 2022.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
40.1 h registradas
Good puzzle/story game. It is quite short, unless you go for 100% achievements where getting the last one is real tedious.. just have the game open in a mission for 40 hours when the game itself is less than 10 hours.
The story is quite nice though. Even if the "puzzles" are real simple.
Publicada el 5 de abril de 2022.
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1 persona ha encontrado divertida esta reseña
38.0 h registradas (15.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This is the closest I will get to be a parent.
Great game! 10/10
Publicada el 17 de enero de 2022.
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0.3 h registradas
I am politician now.
Publicada el 5 de enero de 2022.
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A 2 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
15.6 h registradas
One of the most beautiful games I have played, sometimes there are a few bugs where you have to restart because you are stuck in a reverse time loop, and playing with a controller sometimes made the camera get stuck (but it was easily fixable everytime by either touching my mouse so it move, or by pressing down on the joystick to center everything instead of move it around.)

The choices you made, actually felt as if they had an impact, and with some further research, they actually did.
The ending I got, actually made me cry, both by happines and sorrow.

The music is a 10/10
The story is a 10/10
The gameplay is a 10/10

I felt like I really connected with the characters in the game, some people felt somewhat meaningless to have an interaction with, but it was nice anyways.

With the new remastered version coming out in a few weeks from now, I can't do anymore than recommend you to get this game/the remaster if you haven't played it before.
Publicada el 4 de enero de 2022.
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