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Közzétéve: 2022. máj. 6., 7:52

Did a whole run of not killing anyone, and befriending everyone.
Was it difficult? Sometimes yes.
I don't want to spoil anything about this wonderful game, but it is beautifully written and done in an interesting way.
Looking at the game at first glance you could say "game is garbage, look at the graphics" but the game make it work and the story lift it up a ton. Even the fights were intersting, especially when going the pacifist route with trying to figure out how to spare someone by meeting their demands or completely going against them.

The game cost 10 euros, and I would say at that price it is 100% worth it, the game can be very long, depending on the route you choose, and there are multiple endings so you can get variety in your runs.
Now the story is great as previously mentioned, the music is fantastic, and the fights are kept fresh by different monsters having different attacks and ways to spare them.

I would rate this game a 10/10 on that alone. The game got me hooked. And I do recommend everyone to at least give this game a shot.

(Now that you have completed pacifist and such, do a complete genocide run) Won't happen, Ever...
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