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Публикувани: 24 февр. 2017 в 3:22

Bohemia Interactive. Arma 3.

This review is going to be fairly short, however this is one for the people who actually read reviews. So, after 3 years after this game coming out, and me putting in way more than 4000 hours (Offline hours included) I think I can make a very safe judgement of this game.

This paragraph will be a base of the game, and below it will be a list for both Positives and Negatives. So do please read on.

Arma 3 allows you to take a Canvas and paint anything, or if you want to focus on just playing, it's like a park, but think of it as a never ending park, there is always new rides etc. There is constantly new content coming out daily for the Arma 3, majority of it being from the Community, however BI (Bohemia Interactive) Do actually do alot of (Good .. ish) Updates themselves. Whether it's a huge graphic update or sound update which were both fairly recent, or a small bug fix / weapon change update, they do updates, they still supoort this game 100%. That point is proven by the fact that they have a ton on great (Cheap) DLC, which really delves into everything, and they also have more planned all the way up to mid 2018. Essentially, I have never had a boring day in Arma 3 because if you get bored of one thing there is always something else.

Let's get onto the lists.

Positives :

- Graphically Stunning
- Unlimited Replayability
- Amazing Dedication To Updates ETC
- Amazing Community Content Wise
- Fairly Easy To Run
- One Of The Best Games For Making New Friends
- Amazing Landscapes (Literally 100's Of Maps)
- Great Vanilla Content (Even Without Mods, There's A Ton Of, Weapons, Vehicles, Uniforms, ETC)
- Story Line (Although It's Fairly Weak, It's Still A Ton Of Fun To Play)
- 100's Of Gamemodes

Negatives :

- Not Optimized Too Good (However Is Easy To Run
- Some Of The Community Is Toxic (More The RP Side Of Arma)
- Stolen Content (Arma 3 Life Servers, Are The Worst For This)
- It's Fairly Difficult For New Players (However This Is Also A Good Thing)
- A Big Library Of Bugs (Not To Many Are Ground Breaking, But There Are Some)
- It's Addictive .... Very (I Failed School Because I Missed 3 Weeks Near Exams To Work On Mods .. My Fault lol )

So there we have it, my fairly in-depth but brief Arma 3 Review.

I also run an Arma 3 Realism Unit. Contact me if you're interested in joining.
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25 коментара
Greg 11 ноем. 2018 в 12:10 
to be honest man, .... yeah
Bandit 11 ноем. 2018 в 9:15 
hey greg can i join ur arma 3 realism unit
mr popinfresh 20 март 2017 в 3:38 
it sounds like a very enjoyable game.
Greg 20 март 2017 в 3:31 
That is very true, i don't normally play other games aside from Arma 3 haha
mr popinfresh 20 март 2017 в 3:26 
i think thats with most games now days.but it gives a diffrent out look on the game
Greg 20 март 2017 в 3:24 
You will like it for sure, it's just it may take time to find a server that you like and that you think is good
mr popinfresh 20 март 2017 в 3:22 
nice nice. well im half why there in the download stage of thing. toxic wow that can be pain indeed. but i think for someone like me who has not played the game i could say i will like it may evan love the game.
Greg 20 март 2017 в 3:18 
Yes, Roleplay servers are still very popular, but in my opinion alot of them are shit, the roleplay community has became very toxic over the last year, hence why I no longer make Roleplay mods / servers. But yes it's alive.
mr popinfresh 20 март 2017 в 3:17 
ok nice to know. is the role playing servers still up for example u can be a cop and bust ppl and shiz. or be a criminal?
Greg 20 март 2017 в 3:14 
Nah it's fine haha, but yes Arma 3 is very much alive currently, it is slowly dying but only in certain areas. It depends what you plan to play, there's more servers for certain gamemodes etc.