Mad 31 Oct, 2018 @ 7:42am 
Mad 29 Jul, 2017 @ 3:35am 
Grey Zarcovski 13 Nov, 2015 @ 11:07am 
Yer in the old subscriber group. Join the new one here
attila 24 Jun, 2015 @ 2:52am 
coluen 12 Jun, 2015 @ 3:05am 
rip bok
attila 19 Apr, 2015 @ 6:07am 
DIMITRI PALAGOPOUTROS: u like my steam bff
qwrvee 29 Mar, 2015 @ 5:16pm 
i am triggered by your response, please check your male privilege you cis scum
attila 27 Mar, 2015 @ 3:11am 
Toppity Kek
??? 20 Mar, 2015 @ 3:31am 
R.I.P Boko, I will miss you *sniff* *sniff*
attila 17 Mar, 2015 @ 2:59am 
good job on getting the archive removed elle, it was so funny ;(

at least we still have this beatiful text
Listen up, I'm about to let a whole world of sunshine in on your pathetic little existence. You don't know me, you never will know me. But I know you; I know how pathetic you are. You're trying to insult someone who is better than you. We are better than you in every single way. We are more intelligent, we are wealthier, we are more capable, we are more attractive, we are more sophisticated, we are fundamentally superior in every single way to a Greek brute such as yourself. Does that hurt your feelings? I'm sure it cuts deep somewhere knowing you come from a lineage of degenerates, and you only further it with your actions. It’s not hard at all to be a sub-human pig, but the fact is, we are better people than you, and therefore, you are like droplets of water in a vast ocean, insignificant little men. Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn't have given you worse advice.
76561198107995877 16 Mar, 2015 @ 7:04am 
Listen up, I'm about to let a whole world of sunshine in on your pathetic little existence. You don't know me, you never will know me. But I know you; I know how pathetic you are. You're trying to insult someone who is better than you. We are better than you in every single way. We are more intelligent, we are wealthier, we are more capable, we are more attractive, we are more sophisticated, we are fundamentally superior in every single way to a Greek brute such as yourself. Does that hurt your feelings? I'm sure it cuts deep somewhere knowing you come from a lineage of degenerates, and you only further it with your actions. It’s not hard at all to be a sub-human pig, but the fact is, we are better people than you, and therefore, you are like droplets of water in a vast ocean, insignificant little men. Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn't have given you worse advice.
attila 16 Mar, 2015 @ 5:10am 
Listen up, I'm about to let a whole world of sunshine in on your pathetic little existence. You don't know me, you never will know me. But I know you; I know how pathetic you are. You're trying to insult someone who is better than you. We are better than you in every single way. We are more intelligent, we are wealthier, we are more capable, we are more attractive, we are more sophisticated, we are fundamentally superior in every single way to a Greek brute such as yourself. Does that hurt your feelings? I'm sure it cuts deep somewhere knowing you come from a lineage of degenerates, and you only further it with your actions. It’s not hard at all to be a sub-human pig, but the fact is, we are better people than you, and therefore, you are like droplets of water in a vast ocean, insignificant little men. Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn't have given you worse advice.
dostin 16 Mar, 2015 @ 5:09am 
soz guys her parents made her go to bed shows over
attila 16 Mar, 2015 @ 5:09am 
Listen up, I'm about to let a whole world of sunshine in on your pathetic little existence. You don't know me, you never will know me. But I know you; I know how pathetic you are. You're trying to insult someone who is better than you. We are better than you in every single way. We are more intelligent, we are wealthier, we are more capable, we are more attractive, we are more sophisticated, we are fundamentally superior in every single way to a Greek brute such as yourself. Does that hurt your feelings? I'm sure it cuts deep somewhere knowing you come from a lineage of degenerates, and you only further it with your actions. It’s not hard at all to be a sub-human pig, but the fact is, we are better people than you, and therefore, you are like droplets of water in a vast ocean, insignificant little men. Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn't have given you worse advice.
attila 16 Mar, 2015 @ 5:09am 
Listen up, I'm about to let a whole world of sunshine in on your pathetic little existence. You don't know me, you never will know me. But I know you; I know how pathetic you are. You're trying to insult someone who is better than you. We are better than you in every single way. We are more intelligent, we are wealthier, we are more capable, we are more attractive, we are more sophisticated, we are fundamentally superior in every single way to a Greek brute such as yourself. Does that hurt your feelings? I'm sure it cuts deep somewhere knowing you come from a lineage of degenerates, and you only further it with your actions. It’s not hard at all to be a sub-human pig, but the fact is, we are better people than you, and therefore, you are like droplets of water in a vast ocean, insignificant little men. Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn't have given you worse advice.
attila 16 Mar, 2015 @ 5:09am 
Listen up, I'm about to let a whole world of sunshine in on your pathetic little existence. You don't know me, you never will know me. But I know you; I know how pathetic you are. You're trying to insult someone who is better than you. We are better than you in every single way. We are more intelligent, we are wealthier, we are more capable, we are more attractive, we are more sophisticated, we are fundamentally superior in every single way to a Greek brute such as yourself. Does that hurt your feelings? I'm sure it cuts deep somewhere knowing you come from a lineage of degenerates, and you only further it with your actions. It’s not hard at all to be a sub-human pig, but the fact is, we are better people than you, and therefore, you are like droplets of water in a vast ocean, insignificant little men. Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn't have given you worse advice.
attila 16 Mar, 2015 @ 5:08am 
Listen up, I'm about to let a whole world of sunshine in on your pathetic little existence. You don't know me, you never will know me. But I know you; I know how pathetic you are. You're trying to insult someone who is better than you. We are better than you in every single way. We are more intelligent, we are wealthier, we are more capable, we are more attractive, we are more sophisticated, we are fundamentally superior in every single way to a Greek brute such as yourself. Does that hurt your feelings? I'm sure it cuts deep somewhere knowing you come from a lineage of degenerates, and you only further it with your actions. It’s not hard at all to be a sub-human pig, but the fact is, we are better people than you, and therefore, you are like droplets of water in a vast ocean, insignificant little men. Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn't have given you worse advice.
Boko 16 Mar, 2015 @ 5:06am 
>this thread
dostin 16 Mar, 2015 @ 5:05am 
Boko 16 Mar, 2015 @ 5:05am 
attila 16 Mar, 2015 @ 5:04am 
Listen up, I'm about to let a whole world of sunshine in on your pathetic little existence. You don't know me, you never will know me. But I know you; I know how pathetic you are. You're trying to insult someone who is better than you. We are better than you in every single way. We are more intelligent, we are wealthier, we are more capable, we are more attractive, we are more sophisticated, we are fundamentally superior in every single way to a Greek brute such as yourself. Does that hurt your feelings? I'm sure it cuts deep somewhere knowing you come from a lineage of degenerates, and you only further it with your actions. It’s not hard at all to be a sub-human pig, but the fact is, we are better people than you, and therefore, you are like droplets of water in a vast ocean, insignificant little men. Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn't have given you worse advice.
Boko 16 Mar, 2015 @ 5:03am 
Boko 16 Mar, 2015 @ 5:02am 
Listen up, I'm about to let a whole world of sunshine in on your pathetic little existence. You don't know me, you never will know me. But I know you; I know how pathetic you are. You're trying to insult someone who is better than you. We are better than you in every single way. We are more intelligent, we are wealthier, we are more capable, we are more attractive, we are more sophisticated, we are fundamentally superior in every single way to a Greek brute such as yourself. Does that hurt your feelings? I'm sure it cuts deep somewhere knowing you come from a lineage of degenerates, and you only further it with your actions. It’s not hard at all to be a sub-human pig, but the fact is, we are better people than you, and therefore, you are like droplets of water in a vast ocean, insignificant little men. Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn't have given you worse advice.
Boko 16 Mar, 2015 @ 5:00am 
ill strap a spear to my dong, and ill harpoon your poon all night long ;)
attila 16 Mar, 2015 @ 5:00am 
Being attracted to Elle is no different than being attracted to old people, or people of your same sex, or any variety of preferences people have. Yet you don't see someone looking at great grandma porn and think they're going around raping every old person they see. Pedos aren't going to see a Elle and go 'It's rape time!' any more than you are when you see someone you're attracted to (unless you really do want to rape everyone you find attractive, which is your own problem) any more than. And gay people think they have been irrationally discriminated against because of natural attraction, it's laughable in comparison.
Boko 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:58am 
omg u bullied me on steam wahh
attila 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:54am 
Keep tellin yourself that cos the only difference between you and bubbles was all that cyber ♥♥♥♥ she was gettin :csgoa::Y::TR_E:
Boko 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:54am 
black jesus?
dostin 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:54am 
I am so, so hurt, you herted my feelings, you know dat? Betta apologise.
Boko 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:53am 
ive never laughed more in my life
attila 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:51am 
What the ♥♥♥♥ did you just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ say about me, you little ♥♥♥♥♥? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the ♥♥♥♥ out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ words.
Boko 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:51am 
♥♥♥♥♥ this baboon
attila 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:50am 
You're only jealous of bibblez cos she milked the girl factor all she could while the boys didn't want to watch your webcamming B(
Boko 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:49am 
attila 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:48am 
Elle got more forehead than an Asian got foreskin
Boko 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:46am 
lounges plus wollongong is the best place to be
dostin 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:45am 
the ♥♥♥♥ ugly slut is here
Boko 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:42am 
why is meme squad summoning
Boko 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:42am 
why cant we just talk about lounges guys
dostin 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:42am 
hey babe if one of your arguments is that we haven't met then do you wanna meet me at lounges plus so i can ♥♥♥♥ your fivehead
Boko 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:38am 
funny coz loungs plus wollongong is the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ one there is .
attila 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:37am 
bok u just got called immature by someone who has a hall of hate on their profile
step the ♥♥♥♥ down boy, u just got served
Boko 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:35am 
♥♥♥ top notch
Boko 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:34am 
u should go into lounges plus man
fat red chicken v2 16 Mar, 2015 @ 4:32am 
I'm sorry to mention this but, your armor is losing its shine. Quick, resort to feminism.
Boko 16 Mar, 2015 @ 3:25am 
omg what a ♥♥♥♥♥♥
attila 16 Mar, 2015 @ 2:54am 
Ruckus: ill chop off elles forhead and use it as a jumper
Boko 16 Mar, 2015 @ 2:52am 
do u even shop at lounges plus in wollongong