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Senaste recensioner av Gorgazor

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Visar 21–30 av 48 poster
1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
90.3 timmar totalt (23.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
I only recommend getting this game if you have another shooter savvy friend. If you play this solo, the game is exponentially harder. If you play with more, friendly fire will ensue.

Once you have good armor n guns, you can stomp everyone. This will give you breathing room to explore this games' secrets and objectives. Contracts, salvaging, boarding, vaults and lock picking kept me engaged all the way through.

Very fun game for what it is.
Upplagd 14 augusti 2023.
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31.9 timmar totalt (3.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
TL:DR; The game has the strongest foundation of its kind, the team is super professional and the game overall is a piece of art. The developers deserve way more positive credit than they're given now.

Why this game is different
I've played hundreds of alpha/beta/ea/released indie shooters over the years. There is a pattern that I've noticed with most of the games that failed: The second there was creative deviation away from the status quo, these studios would immediately make bad decisions. Round-based TDM, revives in respawn gamemodes, operator lock-in in casual gamemodes, removal of jump in a fast paced shooter, gimmicks, semi fire assault rifles by default, asthma inspired stamina systems, overpowered damage-based abilities, etc.

These ideas seem to go through a studio, without any protest. No one at these studios thinks "hey, maybe we should add a scrollbar to our in-game chat". It erodes trust in the developers and makes me not want to invest into their game in the long term.

What the game does right
Boundary innovated a ton in this game, and they didn't make any simular mistakes. The game is pretty, the UI is incredible, progression is addictive, gamemodes are fun, the animations are smooth, audio is immersive, balance is sensible, their handling of playtests was professional, settings carried over from previous playtests, suggestions are being listened to and their communication is fantastic.

The grapple and movement module are a blast, recoil of snipers boosts your speed and emps make you spin. You can pop balloons that blow you away, there are small crates floating in spawn that you can push around and use as cover and you can pressurize rooms which blow enemies away when they open its doors. Even their weirdest gimmicks work out.

When it does go wrong, the team still rocks
Every developer creates bugs. There are some crashes, bugs, the lobby system has some quirks, and there is performance spikes on some maps. You could even include minor gripes like mostly static spawns. There are some grammatical errors, but if anything they're cute and the community has adopted them. (panta kill enjoyer)

The way the team handled problems is professional and reasonable (even their replies on the steam reviews here). After the rocky launch, the team kept players up to date through their discord. After some fixes, the team gave out 2 "compensation cosmetics" as a reward for peoples patience. When VC was broken, they quickly disabled it until it was fixed. The team has stocked up post-launch (played during the beta) content so the game isn't dead right out of the gate.

I would absolutely say that this game is worth buying. Its fun, addictive and high quality. I also feel like the good progression system and the post-launch content can keep the game relevant for long enough. The developers deserve much more respect for all the things they did right (which is most of it)
Upplagd 14 april 2023. Senast ändrad 14 april 2023.
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4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
57.1 timmar totalt (25.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
Motion blur on by default.
Upplagd 16 februari 2023.
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349.9 timmar totalt (81.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
(I have an aditional 11 days of playtime on origin, I bought this game 3 times)

This game is pure art in my eyes.

The elegance of the reloads, weapons (skins included) and uniforms, the gorgeous and varied map settings, a non-predatory business model, incredible music, unique playstyles (horses, naval combat, several field cannons/specialist units, behemoths), the attention to detail (while still being able to include the colonial troops and the female russian snipers), the smooth performance, the way gamemodes play out (rush, conquest, war pigeons, back to basics), unique unlocks, challanges, etc. its all incredible.

Most people's complains with this game are random bullet deviation, behemoths and the more casual nature. I actually love these things specifically about this game. This game should be played as a fun experience, not as a competition. This game strikes a perfect balance between "sweaty adhd dropshotting slide cancelling tbagging esports", "mobile game candy crush click button to win" and "hardcore fall-2-meters-after-a-3-hour-walk-and-end-up-in-the-hospital-for-3-months milsim".
Upplagd 11 november 2022.
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6.3 timmar totalt (4.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Really fun game, great atmosphere, just good.
Upplagd 24 juli 2022.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
18.8 timmar totalt
This game has no potential.
It's trash.

No offense to the developers.
Upplagd 16 juli 2022.
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4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
21.8 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
Its sadder seeing this game was a thing, then it was to see it go.
Upplagd 5 juni 2022.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
25.0 timmar totalt (3.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
The playerbase is small, but you can still just play a game when you need to. Unless you want to go esports pro in this game, its absolutely worth the time and money. The gameplay, mechanics and strategies are super interesting. When you have a good team on attack, its incredible, the best experience in a tactical game I've ever had. The first game I've ever played where you actually execute on plans.
Upplagd 4 juni 2022.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
0.1 timmar totalt
Worst game I've ever played
Upplagd 26 mars 2022.
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0.2 timmar totalt (0.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
How much you'll enjoy this game depends on how much you like playing metro from bf4

Because I can't find a single other map
Upplagd 23 mars 2022.
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