てんし /人◕‿‿◕人\
Not accepting peeps with private profiles, random invites and disabled comments to prevent bots spamming links. :htsmug:


Twisty·´¯`·._.: Lam0o: Lam0o: being a lad never pays off
Twisty: Nothing is worse than ow

(March 10th 2017)
Shiyori: i wonder
Shiyori: if u like a reverse trap
Shiyori: does that make you gay
Shiyori: or nah
Lam0o: wtf
Lam0o: dont tell me
Lam0o: duuuuuuuuuudeee
Lam0o: u leeggiiit?>
Lam0o: Shame on you
Shiyori: wait
Shiyori: lemme explain
Lam0o: duuuuuuuuuudeee

(October 31st 2016)
Twisty: I'm retarded
Lam0o: yes
Lam0o: putting this on my front page now thanks

(July 17th 2015)
Twisty·´¯`·._.: Speed, full health, whatever booties do, and almost instant recharge
Twisty·´¯`·._.: oh and it gives you a garenteed krit
Twisty·´¯`·._.: So what's the downside
Lam0o: its a bottle.

(28th August 2015)
Twisty·´¯`·._.: nah ♥♥♥♥ kf2 never playing it again
Twisty·´¯`·._. is now playing Killing Floor 2. Click here to join.
Twisty·´¯`·._.: do what i want
Twisty·´¯`·._.: ♥♥♥♥♥
Lam0o: twisty gone all tsun
Lam0o: halp
Twisty·´¯`·._.: So
Twisty·´¯`·._.: Sirens eat rockets hey?
Twisty·´¯`·._.: Basically the short cirtcut
Lam0o: sometimes
Twisty·´¯`·._.: ♥♥♥♥ this game
Lam0o: sirens are short circuits on legs
Twisty·´¯`·._.: never playing again
Twisty·´¯`·._.: im enjoyin this stupid game
Twisty·´¯`·._.: that im never playing again
Twisty·´¯`·._.: grab mechanic got me killed
Twisty·´¯`·._.: ♥♥♥♥ this game
Twisty·´¯`·._.: never playing agani
Twisty·´¯`·._.: never again
Twisty·´¯`·._.: I played 9 hours of kf2 today
Twisty·´¯`·._.: never again
(December 5th 2015)
Twisty·´¯`·._.: idk if this is typing
Twisty·´¯`·._.: but kf2 ♥♥♥♥♥♥ my monitor
Twisty·´¯`·._.: ♥♥♥♥ game
Lam0o: lol
Lam0o: never again
Twisty·´¯`·._.: it wont even close
Twisty·´¯`·._.: i blightly assume your getting this
Twisty·´¯`·._.: keeeeek
Twisty·´¯`·._.: i ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ wont close
Twisty·´¯`·._.: cant alt tab or anything
Lam0o: restart ur gamre rofl
Twisty·´¯`·._.: ima have to ratART MY COMP
Twisty·´¯`·._.: ♥♥♥♥ kf2
Twisty·´¯`·._.: never again
Lam0o: gg
Twisty·´¯`·._. is now Online.
Twisty·´¯`·._.: Made me install Windows 10 updates too
Twisty·´¯`·._.: Never, again.
(August 13th 2016)
Twisty·´¯`·._.: game isnt loading for me
Twisty·´¯`·._.: ok game just crashed during loading
Lam0o: rofl
Twisty·´¯`·._.: Never Again

(January 8th 2016)
Twisty·´¯`·._. is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
Twisty·´¯`·._.: My dad joined my game
Twisty·´¯`·._.: and he keeps goin the other team
Lam0o: LOL

September 14th 2017
Twisty: You know what works well for me
Twisty: When someone is being annoying
Twisty: You mute them and keep playing
Twisty: You know what's absolutely pathetic?
Twisty: Going out of your way to report someone just because your bum hurts a little
Lam0o: are you still mad at OW
Twisty: Yeah
Lam0o: is ur bum hurt a little?
Twisty: Yeah
Twisty: It's a silly concept
Lam0o: Absolutely pathetic
Twisty: My dad plays cloak dagger spy
Twisty: spends the whole game watching people go past
Twisty: kills one guy
Twisty: repeat
Twisty: in a 30min game he'll get 7 kills to no deaths
Twisty: sick ratio
Lam0o: ur dad is better then u at the game
September 15th 2017
Twisty: dads comp overheated the other day
Twisty: we assumed it was because he leaves games on
Twisty: and just lets it run
Lam0o: lol
Twisty: look in my list
Twisty: hes ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ doing it again anyway
Lam0o: still invis in the corner
Lam0o: watching vids
Twisty: ^^^
Lam0o: waiting for u to join the server
Lam0o: and going out of spawn
Twisty: he capped hightower once while i was on the other team
Twisty: came in and ♥♥♥♥ talked me
Twisty: like i wasnt able to stop him
Twisty: ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Currently Offline
Artwork Showcase
Ones dead the other became shit rofl
Twisty 24 Aug, 2016 @ 11:54pm 
kf2 is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥
Twisty 26 Jan, 2016 @ 7:36am 
Upset* :yaranaika:
Twisty 26 Jan, 2016 @ 7:36am 
Muppset me
Lucina 26 Jan, 2016 @ 6:10am 
What did moo do to piss off twistity?
Twisty 24 Jan, 2016 @ 9:27pm 
♥♥♥♥ you
Twisty 26 Sep, 2015 @ 8:52am 