<(^.^)> GiggleCheekz <3
"I know who I am. And after all these years, there's a victory in that."
-Detective Rust Chole
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Review Showcase
33 Hours played
Doom is a refreshing (and desperately needed) take on the franchise. More than anything, I loved the return to the twitch-shooting we saw in the late 90s and early 2000s. This is not a game where you approach a level slowly and methodically. This is a game where you move from zombie to demon in a adrenaline-fueled fury- blood and ichor raining in your wake. It is brutal and it is awesome. I loved it.

I just finished my campaign on Nightmare, and one of the most refreshing things for me was the difficulty of the campaign. It has been a long while since I had a pure FPS title with a campaign that gave me the challenge Doom has. That said, it wasn't so much that I was frustrated and wanted to give up. The campaign really does an awesome job at scaling up the difficulty chapter by chapter as they introduce new enemies and compositions.

I know there have been some mixed thoughts on the narrative that Doom tries to pursue. I've read the criticisms that it seems like annoyance to some, and that the aesthetic is too over-the-top into the edgy occult. I can't really say I agree on those points. I really did enjoy the story elements that the game put in place. To the criticisms of the occult iconography and corpses everywhere I would say that it's Doom. You kill demons and go to hell. Taking that into consideration, I think it's perfectly fine.

I loved this game, but I think it's important to underline a point here. If you do not like the feel of a twitch-shooter, do not buy it. It's a beautiful game, with a cool little narrative, and awesome arena-style gameplay everywhere, but all of that will be lost on you in a white-hot explosion of frustration if you walk into this expecting a tactical FPS.

TL;DR- Awesome gore-powered twitch-shooter.
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DS-61-3 2 Jul, 2011 @ 5:04pm 
I was here once... just once....