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O.G Business 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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기록상 995.6시간 (평가 당시 980.1시간)
This is a great game, I've been around since 2.0 and have got around 1,000 Hours, so I have experience with the people and how things work in the game.

From the start of 3.0 "OPERATIONMAPLELEAF" Peeps out there ;) The game was pretty aweful, you could raid a full metal base with a chainsaw...

However transipiring from that the game has amazing player base (mainly due to the fact its free) but the player who have come and gave it a good have seen the play style in the game and how it works in total.

Moving into more current states:
Should you try this game? YES! It's free if you really don't like it, well it's not like you lost anything. it may turn out you like the game!

The key issues we are facing now (IMO) Is the current incompetence of the developer (Nelson Sexton) As seen this fridays update: 29/07/2018 He managed to break the loot spawns on every aspect of the game, and if we cast our minds back to 3.15.3 Infinite speed cars? If we come more regular (Hawaii release) Rubber banding. From 3.0 - 3.25 Constant hacks / cheats (Yes the installation of BattlEye helped, but lets be honest, it's not hard to evade.

From this + numerous glitches that regular or veteran players will have experienced, I must say I'm not feeling to confiedent for 4.0's release, nor every friday when Unturned 3.0 is updated, I worry more on what he has broken this time rather then added.

But the game is good, has fluent play, many servers for all your needs, and much more!
2016년 11월 27일에 게시되었습니다. 2018년 7월 1일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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