
Последние обзоры Ghibli

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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 11
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55.2 ч. всего (55.2 ч. в момент написания)
Spidey man is always crawling everywhere just to find something to do.

Spidey sense is so heighted he can't stand still for 5 minutes for a pic.

All the baddies don't learn their lessons at all... so it's up to me to web 'em up!

I love this game just so I can fling Spidey-man into the air with his superpowers and let him suffer all the anxiety inducing fears of height, dangers, paranoia, and always putting him at risk of dying for others.

It would be nice if Spidey could explore outside of NY and learn a new language and skill, though.

Always stuck with indecisiveness, I gotta push him to his limit.

Ty for the game Sony, had you not released in steam wouldn't have had so much fun this year playing it.
Опубликовано 23 ноября 2023 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 48
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор забавным: 7
4,903.0 ч. всего (2,758.7 ч. в момент написания)
Love cookies! Why would I not bake cookies? Effing delicious!!
Опубликовано 27 ноября 2022 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 41
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор забавным: 2
33.7 ч. всего (18.0 ч. в момент написания)
Maybe, I want to keep this game review to myself and simply tell all my friends this is my favorite game of all. After that, they'll take up on my word to take the time to look for it, wish list it, and play it. I never got around writing a review for it, but with a steam nomination task, it's a perfect excuse.

If I could, I would give this game multiple steam nominations and hoping it wins all of them. I've played this game, one time alone in the middle of the night and then again the following week. Another time with a friend playing it next to me, and after that, I settled in deciding to play it again at least once a year on the same day I started playing it for the first time.

The Cat Lady delivered everything that I had not imagined before. The main character intrigued me with her morbid introduction story into a locked-in roller coaster ride. The ride had a little bit of every emotion, fragmented pieces of every game genre steam offers, and a unique human-conditioned game therapy session. It's only the ending of the story that will set you free. But the game structure and design itself... whether you like it or not, it's going to happen similar at any moment in life.

It is a tensed up game, and I liked the way the game unveiled to me with its story development with plot twists. The navigation control is mild difficult at first to get used to, but with time spend in game mechanics it is easy to master. The soundtrack and audio is well appreciated, because it succeeded me to start and finish the game in a single sitting. The graphic arts may not be the very best to admire, as I'm used to seeing, while researching countless of talented artwork and digital art techniques as an art historian. However, it does help illuminate and translate all situations of the game scenarios correspondingly with the main character.

The most impressive discovery I made as I was typing up this review and reading other recent reviews. Many steam user's reviews explained the wonder of this game as the story and its intricacy, but I haven't come across one review explaining it simpler and direct.

The Cat Lady is a game based on seven stages of grief, that's why I told you earlier it's going to happen similar to any moment in life.
Опубликовано 26 ноября 2016 г..
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