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Postat: 19 iul. 2016 la 1:52
Actualizat: 20 iul. 2016 la 10:57

Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
At the start of my game, I picked up a wanderer named Big. The man was a huge slab of muscle, and looked like the man who could get stuff done. Except... he couldn't. The poor guy was too clumsy for his own good, except when it came to his hands and his eyes. All he could do was be a warden, handle animals, hunt, and make art.

When I first saw him I was horrified at how useless he seemed. I built a small shack into the mountain with a small carving bench for him to spend the rest of his days just to be rid of him. However, Jude saw something I didn't. She saw a man with a heart of gold, even if he wasn't the best or the brightest bulb of the bunch. They started hanging out, and eventually Big, or Jude (not entirely sure which) popped the question. Jude was my main gal, I had given her the best of the best, and she earned it. She did everything in the long hours of the night while everyone else slept, and only took her rest as everyone else woke up. But she seemed to do all their work by herself.

Tragedy struck, raids happened, and soon enough there were just 4 people out of 8, in the dead of winter, forced to cannibalize those who fell in raids. However, even after being infected with Sensory Mechanites, forced to endure excruciating pain, and watch her friends die, Jude didn't break. She appreciated those nights with Big and the art he had made. The others did too, seeing hope in the art carved into grains of wood.

Winter ended, things were looking good, until a raid blindsided them while Big was on a hunt (even though he wasn't able to lift the kill, his aim was great enough that he was the safest hunter). Big went down, but he was a fighter and held on. He watched as his friends, NO, his family held off the raiders with the help of turrets Jude had made. 1, 2 went down. The third decided to cut their losses and ran home, but not without grabbing Big first. The others fought to save him, but none could quite match his skill with a gun.

The raiders called for a trade, silver for him. Sadly, they had just used the last of their silver to finish sterilizing the hospital floor. With heavy hearts, they were forced to decline the trade. Not even a day later, they got the news. Big died of infection from his injuries, not quite able to hold on as they scraped together every scrap of silver they could to try and save him.

This was the tale of the witling watcher. (He usually carved in the prisoner room, and watched the prisoners while doing so.

And thats the tale of how I save scummed for the first time ever for a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ pawn.

EDIT: Tacking this on since this kinda exploded. I never played pre-steam release, and went in blind. My best advice for new players is to do Casandra Rough with Permadeath. Your people WILL die, but this way you can figure out how to start instead of trying to fight an uphill battle. For those who are confused by the UI and how to use it, just experiment, try just double clicking stuff or just randomly hitting buttons, its much better to laugh at your own failure than to follow an online guide.
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13 comentarii
-[FF]-Johnny FiveAces 13 ian. 2017 la 19:46 
Man,this is sad .-.
MiffedLettuce 3 dec. 2016 la 6:34 
rip big.
Nixx 24 iul. 2016 la 14:21 
-wipes tear- Poor Big, man. The feels
Saint Scylla 21 iul. 2016 la 11:58 
ryan.yates11 20 iul. 2016 la 20:44 
oh i never got that

when one of my dudes got kidnapped there was no ransom, i think he died tho
Geo The Tank 20 iul. 2016 la 18:43 
They offered a ransom payment after they kidnapped him.
ryan.yates11 20 iul. 2016 la 17:23 
i didnt know you could trade with raiders

or do you mean a slave ship?
William 20 iul. 2016 la 13:51 
I love how this game was created to tell stories and reading your review, it did exactly that.
If you find the time, maybe you shoudl consider writing a book or at least a short story on base of your colonies.
AK.87 20 iul. 2016 la 8:03 
Goin with MISTER BUTTS on this one, this review makes me wanna buy the shit outta this game!
Nathan the Dwarven Shark 20 iul. 2016 la 7:36 
Amazing Work :)