Sam   United States
Uh, hi. I game when I can. If you have trading cards you don't want, I'd be happy to take them off your hands! ;)

There once was an old man who lived near the ocean. One morning, the man went for a
walk on the beach and found the shore littered with starfish, stretching in both directions.
A storm had passed the night before, stranding the starfish upon the sand.
In the distance, the man noticed a young boy walking along the shoreline. As the boy
approached, he paused every so often, bent down to pick up an object, and threw it into
the sea. When the boy came close enough, the man shouted, “Good morning! May I ask
what you are doing?”
The young boy stopped, looked up, and replied, “I’m throwing the starfish into the ocean.
The storm has washed them onto the beach, and they can’t return to the sea by themselves.
They need me to help them.”
The old man replied, “But there must be thousands of starfish on this beach. I’m afraid you
really won’t be able to make much of a difference.”
The boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it into the water as far as he
could. Then, he turned to the man, smiled, and said, “It made a difference to that one!”
(Based on "The Star Thrower" by Loren Eiseley)
현재 오프라인
Siwonton 2019년 7월 19일 오후 11시 59분 
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Communism will prevail
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Communism will prevail