Kristiansand, Vest-Agder, Norway
I'll just leave it with this story:

Imagine if I told you a story of someone that had such love, that they died to give you life and hope eternally ? Long before you would even have a chance of even knowing who it was ?
Would that mean anything to you, would you care for such a love ? Now what if I tell you, that someone does love you so much, and that, it is a true story.
Someone did spill their blood, to open the way to everyone, so that we might one day stand before God, and that we might have a way to inherit eternal life..
Something that would be impossible for a human being of even the best efforts, but given as a gift for all who would simply willingly turn their hearts to hear and receive his gift.

Seek the truth while there is still time, seek it boldly without condemnation or reserve. Find the blood, and you find the Life, as well as the giver of it...
Realise and acknowledge that mans ways are flawed as is his heart, it has lost it's original nature, stricken. If you are honest with yourself and not ignorant, you can know this is true.
Righteousness is from him alone by faith. The spirit wants to separate from the world and make you ready for an other one, and to restore what was lost. What matters is for you to get to know him who offers it.

Come now, and let us reason together, saith Elohim: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
---Isa 1:18

God is righteous and of truth. But not one full of condemnation as some believe, but is full of compassion and patience, he understands you better than you do yourself, he knows all there is to know already,
nothing is hidden from him, yet he offers more than redemption for all those that will seek it, and will provide and remain faithful even when we are not. He knows what it means to be human...and the issues of our human heart.
Just turn to him, sincerely and honestly and resist not the truth, for how else can you be able to receive of his grace if you can't even be honest with yourself... And of course do justice and truth in your life towards others,
show mercy as well even, and mercy will be shown unto you.

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
---Mic 6:8

And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Yeshua ha'mashiach (Jesus Christ), and love one another, as he gave us commandment.
---1Jn 3:23

Well, I'm just letting you know, consider it my rant. It's not intended to saying much about me myself . But I think you should know that he has love for you,
and so does those who has his love in their hearts as so to reach out for you.
For, "the lord is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
---2 Peter 3:9
Don't have to trust in me, but get to know him, and try to find out for yourself if you want. You could learn an awful lot if you do. Time is running out, as it always does though, but you should know what I mean by that.
Only through him can you find the true life, even eternally. I care enough to at least tell you.

From: 'Fellow Soul'

Something about me ?

Well, I like Stained glass, and coloured Lights.

Oh and:
Beware the trolls and nonsensical people lacking basic sense and intelligence in the community forums. They sour both the steam community with their trolling and idiocy, as well as this world they live in. Thankfully, their time is not always. And since they are fools, they will continue to walk over-confidently in their folly, without understanding.
.The King Lives ! Forever.
.And so eventually the doors of an age closes.
.And the hidden things of the heart comes to light.
.By the wise one, and trying fire....This is as frightful as it is full of awe.
.But you, you will be fooled without him.
.And so what is what will be revealed, for the fire and the time will reveal it. And the world will perish with it, for the world is filled with people of wickedness, but none of them will understand, that is part of their judgement, who would step down both the truth and people beneath their feet. It all depends if you know him, for he is love, and his commandments are simple, believe in him, and love each other, then you shall know him, and live eternally. And if you truly believe in him, your course will start to be affected, just like a small rudder on a great ship, yet with the effect to change it's entire course.
Commander Fabricio 19 พ.ค. 2016 @ 8: 10am 
I know you probably won't be around anymore, but I'd still like to greet you on your birthday one last time, Dan. heheh

Happy birthday, "old" friend!
Commander Fabricio 4 ม.ค. 2016 @ 10: 17pm 
Late as always, but Happy New Year, Dan! ^^
Commander Fabricio 18 พ.ค. 2015 @ 5: 20pm 
Hey, Dan, happy birthday! Hope everything's all right over there~
Commander Fabricio 19 พ.ค. 2014 @ 7: 29pm 
Hope you had a great birthday, Dan!! Good night and see you tomorrow~ ^^
claytorpedo 24 ก.ค. 2013 @ 6: 03pm 
Yeah something like that. Controls are hard to get used to, and the gameplay really isn't all that great. Not a bad game, but I wouldn't give it my thumbs up.
claytorpedo 23 ก.ค. 2013 @ 7: 40pm 
Hotline Miami is pretty cool, but not all that great if you ask me. My brother loves it though.