.   Liverpool, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Attualmente in gioco
Saints Row: The Third
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227 ore di gioco
-Open the Game

-Play as Germany

-Boost up the army

-Get the Rhineland

-Be friendly to Japan

-Anschluss Austria

-Demand Czechoslovakia

-Great britain and France Warning Germany

-Annex the Czechoslovakia

-Get the Northern Part and puppet Slovakia

-Sign Non-Agression and establish Molotov ribbentrop pact with Soviet Union

-Danzig or War

-Get Danzig

-War justify Poland, denmark, and Norway

-Put a large amount of Infantry Division in West, North, East

-Declare war to Poland

-Great Britain and France Declare war to Germany

-Annex Poland with Soviet Union

-After that Declare war to Denmark and Norway

-After that Declear war Netherlands, Belguim, And Luxemburg

-Italy wants to join the Faction

-Start annex in the north to Paris

-Paris Falls

-Establish Vichy France

-Put Naval superiority in The English Channel

-Get Mobilization foe Operation Sealion

-Invade Great britain

-London Falls

-Annex the whole Island

-The War end (Maybe)

-Puppet the Uk and also their Puppet States

-Next South

-Invite Romania, Hungary into faction and Annex Yuogoslavia and also Greece

-Next Mobilize in the East

-Broke the Pact and declare war to Soviet Union

-Push them back

-Get their Major Cities

-Push them fast beforw the Winter is Coming

-Get Stalingrad first

-Moscow falls

-Germany Won

-Declare Greater Germania Reich

-End the game

-Turn off the pc

-Go out side

-Touch Grass

Very Nice 👍
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NoNomad 4 apr, ore 0:13 
Yes finally got the account
kuna 26 lug 2022, ore 1:44 
+rep china :steamhappy: