
Pantheon の最近のレビュー

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41件中 1-10 を表示
記録時間: 259.6 時間 (レビュー時に259.5時間)
Delve into the depths of the mountain, find powerful spells, slap 'em into a wand and then blow yourself up with it.
Then just do it all over again, because it's fun.
投稿日 2023年11月22日.
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記録時間: 69.0 時間 (レビュー時に61.7時間)
Have we survived vampires? Are we the vampires that survived?
Who knows? I do not.
If I'll ever find out, I might let you know.
投稿日 2022年11月23日.
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記録時間: 1.8 時間
Not only can you avoid paying taxes in this game, but you're also a turnip!
投稿日 2021年11月25日.
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記録時間: 5.8 時間 (レビュー時に5.7時間)
If you're looking for a great multiplayer game, this is one to check out.
In singleplayer not so much though.
投稿日 2019年11月30日.
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記録時間: 39.2 時間 (レビュー時に22.2時間)
This game was really really great before Workshop support was introduced, then all of a sudden it was absolutely fantastic.
HFF (as Human: Fall Flat shall henceforth be known) is an incredible multiplayer game, no matter if you play it locally on the same machine or online with your friends.
You can play with random strangers too, but we all know how playing with random strangers on the internet usually works out, right? It might work for you, of course, but I recommend some actual friends + your favorite voice chat software.

You can also try to play it alone, but I doubt it's even remotely as much fun as it is with other players.
Also, playing alone makes this game a lot harder as many of the tasks found in this game are built for multiple people.

If you're into co-operative fun, have friends and want a sheer endless amounts of maps, thanks to Workshop support, get this game.
Do it. DO IT NOW!
投稿日 2019年6月29日. 最終更新日 2020年11月25日
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記録時間: 12.7 時間
Step into the shoes of Dust, another hero with amnesia, and travel a Metroidvania-esque world to slay monsters, talk to NPCs and find hidden treasures!

The gameplay is, all in all, rather simple. You run around, jump and kill a lot of stuff. You kill stuff by swinging your talking sword and employing the abilities of your flying squirrel-thingy Fidget, which sometimes bears resemblance to such annoying sidekicks like Navi from the Legend of Zelda.
The fighting itself is pretty simple. Your standard attack is a 3-hit combo, on the ground and in the air. Combine with your special ability and your sidekick you create some nice combos. You will also learn some new moves along your way, but they're primarily for traversing the world, which - in best Metroidvania-manner - has a lot of places you can't get through until you have the ability needed for it.
If you want to explore and get absolutely everything, you'll have to do a LOT of backtracking, but you can also use teleport stones that make it a bit easier.
Besides fighting and finding treasures you'll also encounter many NPCs you can talk to. Talking might reveal information and sidequests. You will also get experience from talking to NPCs, which I find a really nice little feature.
Crafting is also present. Defeating enemies or opening treasure chests might get you blueprints and material to craft the items from the blueprints. To make that a bit easier you can sell material to the shopkeepers, who then add them to their inventory, which makes it possible to purchase those materials from them. Quite handy if you can't or don't want to find them on your way around.

The game looks absolutely incredible btw. Beautiful levels accompanied by a nice soundtrack.
Not a big fan of the character design though. I don't mind antropomorphic animals in the slightest, but I just didn't like how many of them looked.
Also worth mentioning is the voice acting, as it's quite good. Not all were that good, but mostly it was very well done.

All things considered a really nice game with a decent story, good gameplay and gorgeous visuals :)
投稿日 2014年7月17日.
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記録時間: 6.5 時間 (レビュー時に6.4時間)
That is the reason I do not recommend this game, because it is dead and has been dead for a very long time. And as a multiplayer-only title you won't be getting anything out of this game anymore, unless you enjoy staring at the empty server list.

It certainly did not reinvent the wheel and was pretty much your standard third-person shooter with cover mechanics, but it was enjoyable and had some nice things going for it.
So what did go wrong? No publicity, perhaps. Who knows.
投稿日 2014年7月12日.
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記録時間: 7.8 時間
I probably never would have gotten this game if it wasn't part of a bundle, as I'm not that much of a puzzle fan.
I gave it a spin anyway and here are my thoughts on it:

First thing I've noticed: this game looks absolutely beautiful.
The whole art direction is nothing short of stunning.

You are Charlie Blackmore, youngest of the Blackmore chimney sweeper family, out to rescue your siblings who have been taken by the evil Baron.
The twist? Every character in game is a matryoshka doll/Russian nesting doll and every character has a specific ability.
Yours? The ability to stack into another character and use their ability!
With that you venture through various levels, puzzling your way to the rescue of your brothers and sisters.

If you're looking for a lot of content, this game doesn't offer it. The main game is not very long and the additional episode is even shorter.
But better to have game that is short and fun from start to finish, than having a game that takes along time to finish and features lot of boring parts, right? Right!
You also have the ability to solve puzzles more than one way on the same playthrough. Solved a puzzle, but can think of more ways to finish it? Just try it, then.
As kind of a sidequest are the "hi-jinks", which are tasks you can perform with special dolls you can find in the world. It's mostly annoying other dolls, but there's nothing wrong with that.

The game looks great, is quite funny and is fun in general.
Like puzzlers? Definitely get it. Not too fond of puzzlers? It may still be worth a look ;)
投稿日 2014年7月11日.
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記録時間: 22.4 時間
You might not get next-gen graphics, cinematic gameplay and cutscenes every ten seconds, but you will get an excellent old school shooter with crude humor, lots of blood and violence and some sexual content.
You'll also get the sexy voice of Jon St. John, the voice of Duke Nukem and part of why the Duke has become as loved as he is now.

Put on your boots, grab your pistol and fight against the alien scum trying to steal our babes!
Make your way through a wide variety of levels, find secrets by touching every wall possible, shoot aliens in their alien faces, collect plenty of useful weapons and use them to shoot aliens even harder in their alien faces, use the the highly interactive environment to perform such vital tasks as taking a leak, paying babes to show you their boobs or gazing upon yourself in a mirror!
Not only do you get the four classic episodes, but also three new ones, leading you through Washington, DC, the North Pole and the Caribbean!
And if that isn't enough, browse the Workshop and play custom maps made by the community.

Want to own a vital part of FPS history? Get Duke Nukem 3D.
投稿日 2014年7月11日. 最終更新日 2014年7月11日
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記録時間: 3.6 時間
Take the famous Oregon Trail, discard most of the historical facts and add a lot of random nonsense and you get Super Amazing Wagon Adventure!

Cruise through forests, fields, deserts and even underwater in your trusty wagon and try to stay alive!
And staying alive isn't so easy with almost everything out to get you! Bandits, wild animals, zombies and mother nature are trying to stop you from reaching your goal.
So what do you do? Offense is the best defense, right? So just shoot everything!
Your starting wagon gives you only a weak pistol, but you might find a lot of other weapons on your way, including shotguns, flamethrowers, bazookas and even an airstrike!
Unlock more wagons with better starting weapons, including the Diseased, which spreads disease! Or how about the Glitch, which shoots...stuff!

Most of the time the game is a sidescrolling shooter. You man your wagon and fire away, but once in a while you'll have to leave your wagon and fight on foot and it's fun all the way.
It might be a bit unfair from time to time, depending on what scenes you end up in, but the game is rather short anyway, so just try again! A great game for in between!
It's also really cheap and if you're into sillyness, this game is worth a consideration!
投稿日 2014年7月5日.
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41件中 1-10 を表示