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Опубликовано: 25 окт. 2022 г. в 12:08
Обновлено: 26 дек. 2023 г. в 2:30

The game is just broken and the further you get the more you'll notice it.

Not being able to demobilize since you backed down? too bad, start another war and finish that before you can.

puppet a country who then has a revolution? You can't possibly step in and prevent that from happening. Oh by the way, as soon as the revolt succeeds you lose the puppet and get a truce yourself.

Economically there are just shenannigans going on constantly and no one can convince me the AI doesn't cheat at it. You'll notice that when diplo forming nations and receiving those countries whose economies simply don't work.

Sometimes the game decides that now all your oversea areas are isolated. Reloading the game makes this go away, so it isn't like there is any logic behind it.

You can start expeditions but it is better to send some nobodies. Since twice it bugged out and an admiral and a general of mine are now infinitely stuck in their exploration. They are busy so can not be retired and their troops or ships can not be used in wars. They also seem to not die since they both are now near 100 years old. Not like waiting for death is feasible in the short timespan of victoria.

Are you masochistic enough to make it to the end game? enjoy the game slowing down to a grind and the economy building to become a chore instead of engaging. The ai also fully fails at the end in all aspects. So you'll race past them in any aspect of a nation building game.

What a disaster.

edit after many more hours of suffering:
Sure the most idiotic things from above are gone, but it is still a screensaver game. I even started playing victoria 2 again with the new "remake" projects.
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