Lost in Space
Grant   Lincoln, Nebraska, United States
“Two years he walks the earth. No phone, no pool, no pets, no cigarettes. Ultimate freedom. An extremist. An aesthetic voyager whose home is the road. Escaped from Atlanta. Thou shalt not return, 'cause "the West is the best." And now after two rambling years comes the final and greatest adventure. The climactic battle to kill the false being within and victoriously conclude the spiritual pilgrimage. Ten days and nights of freight trains and hitchhiking bring him to the Great White North. No longer to be poisoned by civilization he flees, and walks alone upon the land to become lost in the wild.

-- Alexander Supertramp, May 1992”
Happiness Only Real When Shared - Christopher McCandless

:laptop: [pcpartpicker.com]

Vansilli : toggled just for lostinspace
BooMie : stfu lost youre ♥♥♥♥
*DEAD* fows : lost in space ur a ♥♥♥♥♥♥
В сети
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Esea [play.esea.net]       。        
Vac Ban [gyazo.com],         .   。                
:rubik::earth::mercury::themoon::venus:       .     .          。  .

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2 216
4 751
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3 820
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The equivalent of the Illuminati, but for people named Grant.
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1 814 ч. всего
последний запуск 28 сен
2 690 ч. всего
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55 ч. всего
последний запуск 30 дек. 2022 г.
100 ед. опыта
sh0ck3d 21 сен в 14:10 
Sorry to keep bothering. I just really wish to own this ump. It’s one of the last items of my collection. 50% stickerprice or more is possible
Parks 20 сен в 10:35 
Hey will you trade ump scaffold I have a cool ldlc collection
sh0ck3d 20 сен в 9:37 
so funny. No. I collect ldlc crafts.
bae 20 сен в 9:08 
Don’t accept this sh0ck3d he will try to scam you
sh0ck3d 20 сен в 8:03 
Ump for tf2 items?
sh0ck3d 2 авг в 5:26 
Still interested