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13.2 hrs on record
I'm doing my part!
Posted 4 May. Last edited 6 May.
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15 people found this review helpful
11.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Bought the game close to early access release, three years ago. Didn't see it as all that impressive, but I could see it's potential in the Terraria-like progression. Held off on playing too much of the game but kept an eye on the updates since I would rather wait until it was actually done. Would often forget about the game for a year at a time, then check it out for anything new.

So... What's happened in three years? Not much. In the last three years, there have been three "big" updates. One update was a new biome, making seven total. One update added a handful of dungeons and an NPC. Then another update added more base building pieces. That's it.

Where on earth did all the millions and millions of dollars go? Clearly it hasn't been put back into the game to do something like expand the team or scope, speed up the updates, or anything.

I've seen so many people say things like "they're an indie dev" or "it's $20" or "they don't owe you anything". Like... okay...? This small indie dev has (tens of) millions of dollars to work with now, so what's with these snail paced and snail sized updates? And, yes, I feel like I am owed something. I paid money for a game expecting it to be finished in a timely manner, especially considering the huge success of the game.

And apparently, reading their little early access explanation, they say there will be "at least" another year until they're done (2025), which does NOT seem realistic considering how they've been dragging their heels to put out three updates in three years. There's still two more biomes to release plus "smaller updates".

I think this was the first ever early access game I bought, which explains my stance towards them now. That is, I don't buy early access games. Anyway, rant-review over. No ones gonna read this anyway lol

TL;DR: Okay game, but very slow updates despite huge success.
Posted 10 March. Last edited 10 March.
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