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Análises recentes de DrG

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34.1 hrs em registo (30.6 horas no momento da análise)
With about 100 hours on this game I am both happy and disappointed. I'm happy that I didn't spend much to acquire the game. I'm sad that this attempt at remastering one of my most favorite games is half baked at best. There have been several attempts at remaking Master of Magic and all have failed, this is probably the closest any dev has come. But as other reviewers have gone into detail about the various flaws there's no need to beat a dead horse. If you can get the game on Steam sale at a good discount it's worth it for some novelty but be prepared to deal with a UI that is quite possibly older/less intuitive than the original game. Quite sad really in an age of multi-core processors and 4K displays.
Publicado a 22 de novembro de 2018.
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1.0 hrs em registo
Having put well over 5K hours during my lifetime into game like Master of Orion/Magic and Civ I have seen every potential knockoff/successor to these fantasy TBS games. If you enjoy Civ 5 but would rather play with fantasy creatures like elementals and minotaurs instead of horsemen and panzer tanks then this game might be appealing in single player mode. I would recommend reading other reviews and seeing where this game fails. For me it was enjoyable playing in single player mode despite the horrible bugs (3 years since release and some MAJOR game play breaking bugs are still present).

The game is, however, completely unplayable in multiplayer mode. I launched 9 different games on 6 systems to see if maybe changing hardware would help but the game is just broken. On the first game we had to quit after just 1 turn because one player couldn't move their units (a known MAJOR bug that Paradox has not fixed). Second game the same things happens on turn 3. Rinse ans repeat - each time the game getting stuck just a couple turns in. I'm now requesting a refund for this turd.

Steam really needs to remove the multiplayer tag if the developers admit to not fixing the game breaking movement bug after 3 years.
Publicado a 1 de janeiro de 2016.
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0.4 hrs em registo
Free game weekend so why not - ugh, wasted electricity downloading it. Horrible controls, poor or no mouse control, dogfight mode really? Sadly uninstalled in 30 minutes. Playing F15 in 1992 was more fun.
Publicado a 25 de julho de 2014.
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