Zana   California, United States
Hello! Welcome to my profile!

:heart::possession:🐾I love animals!!🐾:possession::heart:
╚╝╚══╩╝╚╝¸¸╚╝¸¸¸Support Furries! :InjusticeCatwoman: :D

Don't feel like being added anymore but sometimes I want too, please give a a good legit reason why in the comments on my profile. :InjusticeCatwoman: :3
I am a nice person to help you out
Don't add me if you have a private profile sorry :(:fsad:
Don't add me if you want to trade me only!
You can talk to me if you want message me when im on! ^^

This is some thing that shows profiles

The artwork goes credit to the artist

If im on
Online:Talk to me if you want
In-game:I might talk but sometimes will be busy. (My shift tab doesn't work in game so I won't respond)
Away:I might respond
Busy:Watching Tv or reading a book
Offline:Im not on DUH
Looking to trade: Not using it
Looking to play: Not using it

░█░░█░░█░░█░ Put this
░████░░████░ on your page
░█░█░░░█░░░░ if you Roleplay! :D :box:

╔╦╦╦╦═╗ Want a hug?
║╩║║║╔╗ Just ask :D

╔╦╦╦═╦╗╔╦╦═╦═╗Copy and paste this
║║║║║║║║║║═╣╚║in your steam profile
║║║║║║╚╣║║═╬╗║if you are a Wolf
╚══╩═╩═╩═╩═╩═╝or support wolf furries! :InjusticeCatwoman:
________________- ____
_______________/__l /_l
________/____________/ Wolves!:B1:
_____/____--— __\____l
____/__/______\_\ ___i
_l _____ _______)__\ ___)

Sedang Offline
UberWafflerRetro 16 Apr 2021 @ 11:02pm 
I hope you come back friend
DingleDorf 17 Apr 2020 @ 12:01am 
Well Ripperoni
Perséphone 🌒 🗝 5 Mar 2020 @ 2:48pm 
I don't understand Zana is dead in the Real
Life ??
Seal Team SEPS Ayumu 23 Nov 2018 @ 9:56pm 
Maby moved on with life
Seal Team SEPS Ayumu 23 Nov 2018 @ 9:55pm 
Rip Zana long term friend when I first started steam I thought you would be on some day turns out your not on your gone done playing steam or some thing.
Perséphone 🌒 🗝 25 Okt 2018 @ 9:33am 
She or he is dead ? Wtf why '' he is dead " ?