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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika FunkyMissMonkey

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390.5 godz. łącznie (316.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Considering how many hours I have in this game at this point, I should probably review it. The developer is still very actively adding things to the game, which is brilliant and many features have changed and significantly improved since I first started playing.

There are definitely quirks to the game, and there is a bit of a learning curve with how to manage all the facets of your village and getting your villagers to do the things you want them to do, but stick with it, explore every menu option and you will get there. I've restarted so many times and learn new things each time.

If you love a management sim, colony building, medieval good time, then I would recommend this game!
Opublikowana: 27 grudnia 2022.
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