Mike   Utah, United States
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Nightfox 23 nov. 2020 à 7h42 
Enjoying Elite Dangerous and War Thunder quite a bit. Its been a while since games engaged me like this. I though Elite was not going to have as much multiplayer as I have experienced. Perhaps the Star Citizen hype sucked a lot of air out of Elite. Glad to have found it. War Thunder's aerial combat translates pretty well with Elite targeting when hardpoints are not designed to autofollow. Same skills can be employed in dogfighting to a certain extent.
Scarred Lungs 16 juil. 2013 à 17h09 
Comments badge huh?
Scarred Lungs 20 mai 2013 à 17h37 
Is it a co-op game?
Scarred Lungs 20 mai 2013 à 17h37 
I am in the dark here... please help... what game? What party?
PowerHouse 20 mai 2013 à 7h02 
Yes, David can join the party at Star Trek Online!
Scarred Lungs 19 mai 2013 à 16h46 
What is this game you two speak of?