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33.6 hrs on record (17.6 hrs at review time)
i have a ultrabook so i only have mx130 mobile graphics card but the game is fairly optimized enough to make it run at 30-50 fps on absolutely low settings but the fps does dip to a 15 when weather effects like rain etc take place

just cause is what sandbox openworld should be like

their is literally no restriction want that vehicle? grapple hijack
stuck in a forest with not a car in sight? grapple and wingsuit away
ran out of bullets ?use grapple or not so unlimited c4 to do the job
almost everything is destructible in some way or form
why all these features

jokes apart this game is fundamentally based on explosion and well there is a loosely tied in story which tries to explain why you should destroy stuff (tho it is intresting on its own and you will not sleep through it ) the explosion the sandbox elements and the pure inventive ways that you can develop in this sandbox is the key feature of this game

the only complain i have is that the rebels worship you and if you have conquered all bases and try to cause chaos in one of the bases by attacking a rebel they will not fight back you can kill them all you want but no one will react in any way

if you just wanna vent out some frustration this is the game for you bought it for a measly 1 $ wont recommend spending more than 10 $ tho since its mostly sandbox destruction simulator
Posted 23 September, 2020.
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40.8 hrs on record (26.7 hrs at review time)
the most vivid and alive alien world you will ever see. its just so beautiful and alive.
Posted 4 September, 2020.
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7.5 hrs on record
U murdered ur own father dota..... Half life is the reason valve exists
Posted 31 August, 2017.
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204.9 hrs on record (154.3 hrs at review time)
this is litraally the game for which i downloaded steam years ago (i wAnT tO bEliEve) :D
Posted 10 May, 2017. Last edited 29 May, 2019.
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1.4 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
it is a great well devvloped game taking note its a fan made game
loved the enahancements in the gravity gun and the source code is free so we can also make it ourselves
but the game was way tooo short
but yes this is atleast smoooth story rich and facsinating as half life 2
give it a shot for nostalgias sake
Posted 10 May, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
93.3 hrs on record (49.2 hrs at review time)
its definatly a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up game

i mean graphics wise a kid wld love
1 thr are no gun physics like bulllet drop etc
2 the hackers are pretty much everywhr
3 the devlopers ♥♥♥♥♥♥ made the auction house gone
4 the game is more than juz grinding the game is like u always lose money no matter what
but actualllly the game is kinda goood fr f2p one but but respect ese, u gotta give it to get it
plz reduce the repair cost atleast we can take care of hackers
Posted 2 May, 2017. Last edited 2 May, 2017.
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