2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
3 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
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Publicada: 17 mai. 2016 às 16:08

This game is creeeeeepy. I played through most of it the night before my AP Human Geography exam... I received a small amount of sleep that night (yet, somehow, I passed the exam). This game has some great scares and has a generally creeoy vibe to it. For fans of horror games, this game is an absolute must. (The creepy paintings are half of the game's scares to be honest...). 3 Spoopy 5 Me

Rate: 420/69 gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8 not l8 no h8 plz gradu8 don't levit8 use punctu8 (is pronounced eat not 8)

Babyface is right behind you right now, but don't look or you'll startle him
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1 comentários
its everyday bro 18 mai. 2016 às 22:18 
you shall not pass