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19 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
11 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
51.8 timer totalt (27.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
This is the SW game your sister's grandfather's cousin's Aunt has been telling your tweens about all these years, it's finally come to realization. I hope that last statement didn't make any sense to you the way it did to me. The map design is simply wonderful (and nefariously crafty) and at the price now available (if you're reading this for SW Day 2020) I do hope you will dig into your pockets and give it a whirl (for 20+ hrs like me, or perhaps go all the way to complete all levels, easily 40-50+yrs I'm assuming). It's a tasty ride, but not in a 'i love doritos' tasty way, it's more like a meal, a full one at that, which will keep stuffing you over and over again
Publisert 4. mai 2020.
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4 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
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4.4 timer totalt (1.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
my steam playing may show 61 minutes, but actually I never was able to play. In the 1,000 + steam games I've never had difficulties downloading/playing. I'll wait until this comes out of whatever miasma of pre release it's currently in. Maybe it's me and I suck, or maybe......
Publisert 31. august 2019.
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6 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
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25.4 timer totalt (1.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
After the awesome sauce of the trailer here on Steam I was hooked. And now after playing for a few hours I think it's time to for me to weep. ....Loading....Starting.... Wow! look at the FMV over Toyko, this is going to be sweet; cut to 2 hours later, poor me becomes uncontrollably weepy. Why? Well, this isn't actually a FMV game, so.. ok, I won't fret, let's jump in with the hand-holding walkthru/introductions the game provides. WAIT! let's not do that! Why is the text scroll circa "Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing" era levels of slow/clunky? Granted, the story arch-ing 'rewind-to-a-different-protagonist" initially felt to be a cool branching element, but actually is quite uninspired and becomes more of a chore than an inspired game design/choice once you see that beneath the sugar coated exterior is actually just a game of making bad choices and then rewinding to correct them within a tasty looking game interface (yes, branching story) If you came expecting Danganronpa-esque gaming then you'll have to look elsewhere, perhaps at the bottom of your closet or that shelf next to that book you've been meaning to read. And let's get back to that "hand holding" comment from just a dozen of so words back I placed.... it's ugly and bordering on the level of preschool head-shaking. The game's introductory "help/learn to play" system will stun you with deep level (what they call underlined text clues) Socratic hints such as 'BADGE' - goodie! I need to know what a police badge is, but only, if only they would have included an underlined text clue for 'bland'!
Publisert 9. august 2019.
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2.6 timer totalt
So darn fun in a retro way, both visually and gameplay wise. I never thought throwing guns could be so fun, I never thought I'd enjoy a Donkey Kong Jr clone more than original (they spiced it up in such a good way). Well worth the huge 1 % discount offered at the time of this writing.
Publisert 6. juli 2019.
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12 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
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0.7 timer totalt
Inventive and simple gameplay takes precedence over graphics. Don't be put off by it's simple execution or think this may not be your type of game until you at least try it. I found it engaging, fun and (dare I say) somewhat dramatic? Think echo-location from the movement/sound of your footsteps to provide you with a limited visual slice of the immediate surroundings. Sometimes you'll find doors, othertimes you'll be chased by a swarm of deadly red hate - and that's when my pulse started to quicken, but all you have to really do (insert evil laugh) is find the exit. Creative, unique and minimalist are the words that immediately come to mind. I used to have old school 'Tetris' dreams of imagining pieces falling in my sleep when I'd played way too much. Fast forwad to today and I can imagine this game causing the same type of dreams, ones of walking around in the dark just hoping to find an exit (while red stickly shapes are at my heels)
Publisert 5. juni 2015.
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19 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
5 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
4.4 timer totalt
8-bit artsy and trippy, but is it gamey? I felt extremely unclean after my first play though due to an abundance of flashing colors strobing and exploding on screen, sorta like watching Walt Disney throw-up after a bad drug trip. It makes you seriously consider defenestration as a viable option. Does this review make sense? it shouldn't. And I think that's the stylistic point of this game (a collection of mini-esque games wrapped in a loaf of kung-fu). I think I'll go back and play it s'more. I'm recommending this for: the 8 bit crowd, the minamalist/experimental crowd, and the crowd over there eyeing me as if my days are numbered. This is not for the photosensitive crowd nor the people that shun the philosophy of dogs. You may like this, or you may opposite of like this.
Publisert 16. april 2015.
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10 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
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19.2 timer totalt (11.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
It brings me back to the arcade days of House Of The Dead and Time Crisis, it's on rails and yes - it's deserving of all the possitive reviews. And double yes, it's replay value is high. Weird, huh? I didn't believe it myself until I played through a few levels and realized this game (and all of it's pseudo-noir black humor elements & tasty graphics) will have you wanting to go back because you missed one of those darn Kitty statues or maybe you want to try to earn all head-shots (I did). Controls are fluid and precise with a mouse but you can also do fine with a 360 controller (read: fine, but not stellar). At times I felt like I was watching Robert Rodriguez's movie Sin City, but in color. Also, make sure to read the comic which is available as a free download on Steam and remember to eat your vegetables.
Publisert 14. april 2015.
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