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Évaluation publiée le 4 mars 2024 à 14h33
Mis à jour : 4 mars 2024 à 14h36

- Would you like to solve some smart-but-not-smug puzzles?
- Would you like to navigate a beautiful, cohesive set of environments?
- Would you, and this is important, like to be slightly grossed out the entire time?

If you answered yes to all of these, then Cocoon is for you. If you're not quite sure, here's the skinny: Cocoon is a 3rd person puzzler where you control a lil' bug-man guy who can pick up and put down orbs. You solve puzzles with the orbs. The orbs also contain entire worlds, which you dive in and out of. Sometimes you put a world within a world, and then maybe need a cigarette.

The graphics are great. The story is wordless and oblique but told well, and also not the main draw (although the mystique is nice). But really, you're here for the puzzles - and that's just dandy. They're good puzzles. They're not the toughest, mind. It's not unfair to observe the game is a little on-rails at times. But, given the inception-like quantum possibilities that would otherwise strangle your brain in the counterfactual, there's no real harm in this.

If you liked INSIDE, Little Nightmares, Braid, or Brothers:AToTS then this should be well worth your attention.
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